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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Not in the budget of most 3rd world fledgling nations. But true nonetheless.
  2. I keep tellin' ya. Bring that thing out an' I'll show ya the end you ain't seen yet.
  3. I have thought about it as well, but either didn't have the funds to justify it, or ran into antoher person who had it done and wasn't satisfied. My luck the surgeon has the hiccups the day of my appointment and turns my head into a bowling ball.
  4. Eh, just 'cause I think something like that would suck. Hopefully the perp gets it from being skull fucked at county.
  5. Stolen from his garage? That's balsy. Sorry to hear about that. That freaking sucks. I hope the perps get eye herpes or something.
  6. Well, if I am going to continue to get fucked in this fashion, I should have the proper receptacle. You can contnue to use your mouth, fucktard.
  7. Akin to the "rub some dirt on it" advice my father used to give me. Who cares if you can see the bone...chicks dig scars!
  8. And if you ask the omnipotent Nancy Pelosi, healthcare is a right, not a privilege. Since its a right, the gub'mint MUST provide it to you in a form no doubt suited to your needs. And if not, well, they'll tell you what your needs are.
  9. Brian, I think you are on to something here. This could be a freaking sport.
  10. Not quite sure how to take this. I understand comeptely the problem with misdiagnosis. Have seen it affect many members of my family. To this point this year, I have buried an uncle and cousin taken by cancer, and received a phone call from my mom last week to tell me another cousin was diagnosed as having stage 4 of the cancer that took my uncle, and my aunt two years ago. (FWIW, my mother's side of the family is faily large, as she's the youngest of 9.) So I have great disdain for the disease that has stricken you, and sincerely hope and pray that you find or have found the path to kick its ass and live a rich, full life. But I don't get the breast cancer commment. Being the son of a survivor of that diesase, I take it very seriously and close to home. And I could give two shits about what sort of replacements you would get if afflicted with it, and I can't think of too many women that would think that in the wake of a life threatening disease that all they want back is a great rack. What I think is important is that yes, there have been greater strides in the prevention and decrease in the mortality rate of breast cancer patients. That would be a good thing. We just hope and pray that the effort put forth in the research of the other forms of the disease reaps the same benefits that have been discovered for breast cancer. And for many, its a good bet that they won't see those advances in their lifetime. But that doesn't meant that those dioagnosed with a more tratable form don't deserve the same respect as those with a different form of this terrible disease.
  11. Very true. This was why the processes came back to domestic ops (as it was explained to me...I was not with the organization at that time).
  12. The only additional appliance I could see adding benefit is a cinder block tethered to the boy, should he break free from you. That way when he gets off he doesn't slide for a week.
  13. This isn't far from the mark. We had already taken manufacturing offshore to China before and brought it back thanks to quality issues. But I foresee our Mexican ops getting more work that is done now right here in Elyria. And R&D will get squashed I am sure. They have already stopped paying into our 401k due to the threat of the bill at the beginning of the year. But as it stands, we're waiting to see the finished product. If they end up allowing excise taxed companies claim the fee as a tax deduction, that will help offset some of the burden, but that still doesn't make it right or make us whole. Oh, and our premiums went up on '10 as well as our co-pays.
  14. The impact of this bill will ripple through the nation like an atomic shockwave. One of the ways this is being funded is through an excise tax on medical equipment manufacturers and suppliers (one of the leading ones in this great nation is the company I work for), which at this time is not tax deductable. Should that maintain that status through the implementation of this bill, that would be a $17-20 million tax on my company right off the top of its profit. That is insane. Compound that by the large numebr of our customers that are Medicade users and places are no longer working with Medicade/Medicare users (see Walgreens in Washington state) and the gov't is ultimately pissing in the face of those whom they are trying to "help".
  15. MY $.02....I gave my son his first ride when he was 7. He could reach the pegs with the arch of his foot, not the ball of it or the tip of his toes, and his arms were long enough to wrap around to the open front pockets of leather, which he grabbed like handles. (FWIW, they make a device called the Buddy Belt, which is basically a weightlifter's belt with hand grips sewn onto it.) I am not an advocate of attaching my child to me by any sort of tether or connective harness. God forbid we do exit the motorcycle, the last thing he needs is his 190+ lbs. father rolling over him again and again. I have taken Zach to a friends house once via suburban back roads and to school a few times. He has a helmet and is geared up. My philosophy was this. When he (and someday my diminutive daughter) can sit back there and control their own body as any other passenger would then I would take them. IMHO, if they are not capbale of maintaining their own correct riding position, they do not belong back there. For Zach, that day came when he was 7. For my daughter, that may take much longer becasue she is very small for her age. Sara, my advice would be to wait until you have complete confidence in your riding ability, your ability on this newer bike, and your son's ability to understand and comprehend being a passenger on your bike, and completely understand the instruction you will give him about riding back there. That may sound like a lot, but it pales in comparison to seeing a 4 ft. casket. Him growing up around a mother and people that love him that have been on bikes since before he was born, he is ahead of a lot of kids his age. And no one knows him better than you. And regardsless of your own experience, if you have a shred of doubt about his ability to understand what he is to do and not do back there, then I would say the answer is no.
  16. Had a blast (albeit a semi-arctic one) with you today. I forsee many a loud day in the LC with the rumble of 51s throuhgout. r1cager....THAT is freaking awesome! The reason r1 didn't ride today was he didn't want you to see the swirl marks his tampon string leaves in the seat when he climbs off. But that's what he gets for wearing a thong during the wrong time of the month.
  17. ^^^QFT! (Sorry JRM) I will be on the lookout. I'm steaming right now, and I am still sittting at my desk at work. What a fucktard.
  18. RVTPilot

    Friday 3/19

    I'll do that. I wanna swing home, drop off the laptop, but even from there I am just a hop, skip, and jump from there. I'll also check with r1 see if he's game.
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