Just heard some startling news from Romelo. He joined up not too long before "the crash" on here, so his membership's been wiped out, but he's a DTC friend of Sam's & mine. I was wondering why he hadn't re-registered yet, and got my answer today There were a few pix of him in the DTC album if you saw that before it was wiped. I'll have to get them reloaded. If you remember the one I called "Peace & the Shocker"......Chris was peace. He was the one with the StarBoyz "FTP" ZX10 Anyways.....Just got this message from him earlier today.......... He's gonna keep me posted on when his surgery is, and I will in turn, pass it along. He did say he's able to walk w/ the use of a cane now, so that is some positive news. Also.....He just started a new job at the Springfield hospital IIRC, and they are letting him work from home, as he's in ITT or something related. Anyways.......If you guys would, keep him in your thoughts & send a brother some love!! Chris is on the left