The map link I posted on the DTC board shows about 4 hours/215 miles down 33 to the NRG bridge. I'm guesstimating we'll get down there sometime around 3:30'ish if we're havin' to fuel stop every 100 miles.,+OH&daddr=New+River+Gorge+Bridge,+Fayetteville,+WV+25840&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=39.453161,-79.82666&sspn=3.859308,10.821533&ie=UTF8&ll=39.010648,-82.040405&spn=1.942008,5.410767&z=8 Also, Jase says 33's all new from Athens down.... Mostly 2 lanes & scenic now that it rides along the tops of the ridges, instead of the valleys like it used to Couple hours to sightsee/ride the bridge a couple times/pictures/ride the old road down below it that Mark mentions/pictures, etc, & then start lookin' for someplace to eat. I prefer local flavor for these rides.... Not some chain you can get anywhere