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Everything posted by 4DAIVI PAI2K5

  1. Im happy with my 3 day pack from LA police gear. I've had it for a few years. Hiked Yosemite with it. Goes to the range everytime with me. My brother bought one and uses it for his work at the railroad everyday. http://www.lapolicegear.com/diplomat-3-day-backpack1.html
  2. GlWS. Reminds me I need to get a new bulb for my projector.
  3. Used to be in the top, middle. Thats where the subscriptions, rep and warnings where located. At least that is how I used it.
  4. That is how I wish they would bill me.
  5. Nope this is the last unless you want to trade for my mosin...... lol
  6. Bump. I need a riding mower. So FS/FT price drop to 500
  7. Did you look in direction of home depot?
  8. OUr forefathers were surrounded by like minded people who had experience a tyrannical government. We are surrounded by people wanting government to give them everything.
  9. why the fuck would they carry mini 14s?
  10. Wow. just wow. how does that ole saying go? Take away our 2nd Amendment and the rest will follow? 1st Amendment just got stomped.
  11. lol better then nothing. Jeff I think I replied to your email.
  12. Ryan let me check what I got when I get home tonight. I know I have a cheap quad rail, Magpul hand guard, and a few different types of grips laying around.
  13. Got to put the top end back on need torque specs and valve timing. Also what is spec for the piston and cylinder spacing.
  14. Had a big thing typed up then my computer froze. Basically I agree on most Americans image of the scenario. But we are slowly making progress.
  15. You are a baller. Also I'm send you a PM about some old shit.
  16. I make up for it on the down hills. 29er with a fat kid on top that likes to go fast makes for some good momentum.
  17. Thats how my buddy is. I yell cuss words at him as I fall over near death ten feet up the hill.
  18. I understand the only reason it upsets me is because the image with the statement on it, is dead accurate.
  19. We ended up doing probably 10 miles at two different local places on Wednesday. Man the up hills kill me.
  20. That is okay. You can't move a mountain in a day. I've accepted the approach that the liberals have used. Slow an steady, use every opportunity to further the cause ever so slightly.
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