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Everything posted by 4DAIVI PAI2K5

  1. His pistol shooting/teaching.
  2. Said the server went down when he was on vacation... and now the power is out lol. Said it should be up in the morning.
  3. try this. Dont know why the site is down I'll send him a text. https://www.facebook.com/TorrentRover/info
  4. check out www.torrentrover.com that is my buddies site.
  5. Just a comparison number, to grab your attention to get you to read the article. Did you read the link. Makes some sense. Our medical tech has increased, our job safety standards have increased, our ability to get medical care has increased. Yet more people are on disability. One would think it would decrease.
  6. They shut my internet down at one point a few years ago... havent downloaded since lol. Can't find the full video with out downloading it.
  7. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-05-09/number-us-citizens-disability-now-larger-population-greece
  8. PM Ross. Kid is fantastic with a welder, and he can stipple a pistol for ya too!
  9. Yes it is but Ken is one of the best in the country, and thats is the price on all the top guys. He is coming here so I wont have to pay for travel/hotel/meals so it works out for me.
  10. Super pumped!! I just signed up for a class with Ken Hackathorn!!!!!!! Howie you know you want to join Marshall an I! http://aliastraining.com/kenhackathorn2-dayadvancedhandgunaugust24-252013-cantonohio.aspx
  11. Read this yesterday. Very nice read.
  12. http://www.rainierarms.com/?page=shop%2Fbrowse&category=ar15completeuppers https://www.primaryarms.com/Complete_Uppers_s/1611.htm
  13. I wish he would be he blew up a child and many other people. That does not mean i don't understand that he is a legal citizen and has his rights. I really hope that if he is found guilty they hang the little fucker from some gallows.
  14. That is just what was reported initially. It has since been retracted.
  15. 10-10-10 is 10 shots from 10 yards in 10 secs from draw. Using this target 90 out of 100 is passing. Ball and dummy drill is a mix of dry fire/ live fire. Works best with a buddy to help. With a clear gun take aim and put a spent casing on the front sight and pull the trigger with out the casing falling off either side. ( forward and back may happen due to striker action in the pistol) Then do it on a timer set to random, so that you can't dictate when you pull the trigger. Next take one empty mag and a mag loaded with 1 round and have your buddy (or if you do it yourself dont try and feel or look for the round) load your pistol take aim and slow fire. Then go to the timer again and pull the trigger on the buzz. Each time you flinch do 5 dry fires.
  16. Its a real eye opener taking your first class. If you haven't try the 10-10-10 drill, also the ball and dummy drill.
  17. Yeah I did. How did it go for you? I want to get to one of these.
  18. Cars kill more then guns. I can sell you one of those with out a back ground check.
  19. He sounds so much like a liberal troll...
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