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Posts posted by natedogg624

  1. no reuben is THE MAN (or so i hear)

    he's the one that does a lot of the susp work for 35 motorsports.

    you'll probably need to talk to him about your rear shock set up (might need to go softer?). i know im just getting my rear shock reserviced and cleaned and fronts installed with new shocks and a revalve as per his advice (and based on what i said i wanted to do with the bike and my budget)

  2. i was kinda of hopin that they would allow the COMPLETED track to be used for bikes when they were done with it. the large track looks a speed freaks heaven.:)

    actually looking at the layout i think this design caters nicely to ALL forms of bikes. lizard and the litre bikes can let their hair down on the straights and the 600's can tear it up in the turns...

    but thats just the impression i got through video and the pics.

    and the elevation changes! :eek: i love the esses in mid ohio solely for the elevation change and this track looks to have gobs of them.

  3. i just landed a deal for brand new woodcraft clip ons for 60 bucks including spare bars... which leads me to wanting new grips.

    i've always had my eye on driven superbike diamond grips. but i also see a lot of people with renthal grips.

    what do you have and how soft/hard is it and do you like it?

    i almost feel like this is just going to be an personal preference and there is no one that is better than the other.

  4. How much did you use them? Any funcky smells to them??

    nothing that makes me or anyone else cringe. if there is, its nothing a little dryer sheet won't fix.

    I might be interested if they fit. I wear a size 10 tho.

    your more than welcome to try them on. i know i wear between a 10 and 10.5 (depending on the manufacturer) and these are comfortable for me. just PM me and i can work you into my schedule. it has to be before friday though or wait til i get back in january.

    no rush though right? i mean its snowing outside... :nono:

  5. yes they do.


    calendar won't be out til probably at least first of the year. and they have a new track opening up in your neck of the woods.

    kentucky bluegrass. look it up. you'll like it.

    its cheaper than getting a speeding tickets from those so called nasty popo...

  6. you want to talk to some people that REALLY know what they are talking about?

    give the guys at sportbiketrackgear.com a call and they will guide you to your tire choice. even though they are michelin suppliers i have found they aren't biased and work to figure the best tire for you. although most of the time its the michelin...

    o and about that burnout thing... just be careful. don't ask how i know.

  7. i used to be a michelin fan. still am somewhat. but for some reason, their lack in mogoGP has turned me off...

    i will be trying some bridgestone's 002 take offs next time around. and right now im at the point where im considering getting a second set of wheels for my commuting and my tracking.

    the pilot power rear usually last one season and the front has lasted me two (although its definitely time to replace it).

    Pilot Power:

    rain--fine and really fun (by fun i don't mean scary but easy to control when things don't go to plan)

    longevity-- rear (one season) front (two seasons)

    i would go so far as to add the PP2ct's would last the same amount of time even though they have a softer side. we really don't use it as much, unless you decide to go all track.

    but for what i know you WANT to do (hocking) go with the PP's (or PP2ct's), M3's, or any of the other equivalents.

    you'll be a lot more confident and you'll have more fun.

    honestly throw a 3 sided quarter in the air and whatever it lands on is your choice. just as it was said above, everyone will say something different as to why or why they don't like them.


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