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Posts posted by natedogg624

  1. ^thats all you ever need in life.

    ive just been browsing through this thread, usually whenever i have a problem i just reformat my C: drive and start with the "from the factory settings." although i save a lot of my stuff onto my external and backup my documents onto their as well so its not usually that big of a deal for me.

    if your at your wit's end then maybe this could be an option for you?

  2. So in short, you can only make sponsor logos for only the sponsors that you have? And just for clarification, you dont want to get into custom jobs like I requested, just purely only your sponsors for only people on the track? Sorry to ask, but I cant find any place to do the stickers I want without charging an arm and a leg for a sticker. Ebay sells ones similar to what I want but the dimentions are never the OEM size I am after. It would be great if OR had a fellow member to do these kinds of services.

    just look up vinyl prints.


    sounds kinda cheesy but they have really quality work. she can make anything you send her. its one color only though so if your looking for something fancy better looking in the phone book for "printing."

    tell them natedogg624 sent you, she knows me. i think?

    charges by the sq ft (or in) cheap and fast.

    sorry for the threadjack brian.

  3. somebody (wink, wink) should sticky this info:

    Was going to email you, but will post here. I will email you my info and feel free to get ahold of me with any other questions...

    Here goes:

    1) Have the bike prepped for track use:

    -Tape ALL lenses. That means side reflectors, too. Try and remove all those things as they are a pain in the butt anyways, but if you can't, tape.

    -Unplug the headlight and tail light. Reason for the headlight is that it will make a gooey mess of the tape adhesive. The tail is so there is no light whatsoever seen when you brake. If it shows ANY light, you will be sent back to tape it until we can't see it. It is a simple plug you can pull under the passenger seat.

    -In Novice group, we do not require removing the anti-freeze. There are good reasons for this, but IF you can, that would be stellar. I'd appreciate it. NOT required and can be a pain in the ass so, no worries if not. IF you do Intermediate or Advanced, it needs removed and you can use a supported additive. I suggest Maxima Kool-Aide or Water Wetter. There are others, but they suck and are hard to clean up. I use what is approved for racing...

    -Tape the wheel weights. Again, not required for Novice, but doing it saves you any issues. If they are the clip on style, they still need taped. Use Duct tape - NOT painter's tape.

    -Check tire pressures. Typically, a good rule of thumb is 30/30. It's a good place to start with street compound tires. Race tires are lower and depend on the brand/model.

    -Check all your oil retaining places like the drain plug, oil fill, and filter. Too often guys change oil and forget to tighten these due to being in a rush. That's bad and will end your day and could result in a fine. No safety wire is mandated except for Advanced. If no safety wire, you can use a silicone to dab on the bolt and oil fill cap to secure it.

    -Go over the bike. Check things like frame sliders, swingarm spools, rearsets, levers, etc. for being loose.

    -MAKE SURE YOUR CHAIN ISN'T TOO TIGHT. If I had a dollar for every rider who had their chain banjo string tight, I could retire from working. The track will have your suspension working over time and the rear wheel travels a ton. Loosen it up a bit vs. tightening it. I use three fingers on top of the swing arm about 1/2 way from the axle to the counter shaft as a rule.

    2) Make sure you as a rider are ready:

    -Helmet is DOT/Snell

    -Leathers can be 2 piece or 1 piece (preferred). You can use textile based suits or jacket/pant combos that zip together in Novice. Wouldn't recommend them in the other groups.

    -Boots need to cover your ankles. We do get work boots a lot, but suggest road race style or similar street style boots for your safety.

    -Gauntlet style gloves. Need to cover the wrist and over the jacket or suit. We allow short cuff leather gloves, too...

    -Hydrate. Drink at least a gallon of water the day before and drink loads of it the day of. If you are peeing clear, you're good. Keep good fluids like water or even a bit of Pedialyte. Do not drink energy drinks or sugar filled sodas, etc. They rob you of hydration and hurt more than help.

    3) Misc. items for at the track:

    -Gas. You usually burn 2 gallons per session at times depending on how you run and at what pace. If you get 10 gallons, you are usually good to go.

    -Tools. Bring tools. At least the essentials.

    -Chairs. You need to sit and relax.

    -Food. We get a free lunch (unless an LED event), but you need more than that to keep your energy level up.

    4) Luxury items:

    -Tire warmers - ONLY if you have race compound tires.


    -generator for the warmers in case you don't have a power outlet.

    There are a pile of other items, but this should get you started. Others can chime in on what they bring and other ideas as to what they try and bring.

    I usually have enough tools to tear a bike down 100%, have all the needed things like a fan, canopy, generator, warmers, spare rims, tires, fuel jugs, blah, blah, blah. Usually what we would ever bring when racing. That's a little overkill, but we never usually "need" anything...

  4. Gotta really suck having your doors blown off at Mid-Ohio by a "gay guy", huh? I was gonna paint it pink so you all thought you were being passed by a girl...:D:D:D

    you haven't passed me yet... we'll see come next season who's boss! haha

    i think pink would look good for you brian. ;)

  5. im ticking over 30k on the 99. hopefully i wont need to change any shims... for some reason with my luck on the maintenance of this bike, i think i will.

    chris -- how much did it cost you to get your manual printed and bound?

    edit: yota that will be very nice! did you get that idea when you were at mid oh for ama weekend or did you know about it earlier? you do know who ayrton senna is right?

  6. Dude, buy a set of OEM grips and a set of Medium compound Renthals. Tell us what you like. It's going to set you back like $25 total for both sets.

    Grips are about as far from a concern for most racers and riders that it usually is never a real thought. You're getting too much of the Joneses from winter. Just slap a set on and be done.

    lol i realized that last night when i was shopping for them. they're only 13 bucks...

    this is what i get for having an exam that day and one to study for the next day and a 8 page paper due by the end of the weekend.

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