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Posts posted by natedogg624

  1. On current popular items, that is false. You might save 10%, but getting today and wearing it right now instead of waiting and hoping it is right, etc. is worth something. To me, at least...

    Now, sure, saving $120 on a $1200 suit is killer and I understand. However, on most items like a $400 helmet and saving $40 to wait and have it shipped is pointless when I can go to a shop like Pony and get it today.

    If they say they need you to call or email to get a better deal, that will last only for a while until their competitors blow the whistle and they have to get it fixed. Bob's is like that and they get slapped all the time.

    ok i understand that, but what about this:

    not sure if this can still be considered "new" but i got the gp pro gloves for 130, and the smx-plus boots for 220 from parts411. i then price matched over to stg and got free shipping to my door the next day.

    parts411 wasn't a call or email deal, it was a coupon code thats listed within their part#.

    now i already know the sizes i wear in most if not all gear from the neck down so i knew it would fit, so it was worth the wait of a day.

    i dont know if we are talking down two completely different paths here or not...just curious how the online stores can get away with this while pony is still selling at retail.

  2. If it is a current suit, why buy online vs. buying at the Pony? Dealers cannot advertise or sell online CURRENT AStar cheaper than retail. If so, not more than 10%. I think Pony has a few AStar suits on sale. Maybe Nick can chime in and say for sure...

    what about the MAP? the guys who say they are selling for lower but can't advertise because of the MAP policy with the manufacturer.

    i usually find that online purchases are cheaper than going to the store and buying.

    unless thats what your saying all along and im just reading it wrong.

  3. socket size--i dont know of any bolt on my bike that i use a lot thats bigger than 18mm, other than the rear axle, and steering stem nut. but those are 22/32 mm. i bought those seperately.

    box wrenches--don't really use these very much, ill use the smaller ones occasionally not a big deal

    spark plug socket -- does your 204 pc have one? if it does then don't worry about it.

    longer 3/8" wrench -- if you can't get it off then your either 1) weak or 2) need leverage, you've got that hollow tube in your tool kit you can "add on" if you need to. honestly i dont think this will be a problem.

    deep well -- there has only been 2 occasions i have needed deep well, and you were with me. getting the engine out.

    extensions -- these are nice, does your 204 have them? if not thats no big deal, just get yourself your own set at autozone for a decent price. and vary your range, don't limit to 3", i have 3" and 6" in my set.

    smaller casing -- nice, but are you really cramped for space...

    allen wrenches are awesome! but... every since i got my allen sockets i haven't really touched my allen wrenches in a while. also may want to consider adding some torx sockets in your collection.

    one other thing to add about the longer ratchet. get yourself a nice breaker bar along with a 1/2" to 3/8" (or 1/4") size converter. problem solved.

    o and speedy wrenches are suhweet too :)

    ill give you a full report of everything i needed after i tear down my engine and build it back again. but im pretty sure im set.

  4. I got that from the NADA Guide. High retail was around $25,000.00, average around $18,000 and low at $16,000. Market value could be different based on where the car is.

    You said that he probably had $1,000.00 - $5,000.00 in annual maintenance costs, right? Take $2,000.00 per year for 5 years, and you get $10,000.00. Add that to the $13,000.00 original purchase price and you've got $23,000.00. I have NO idea what insurance would cost over the 5 years, but add that in and I'm guessing you've got to sell it for at least $25,000 to break even.

    ok that makes sense now. didn't consider the maint/ins costs in there.

  5. Don't look at what people are asking for a car to determine its "value". Its really only worth what someone will pay for it. I'd assume that there isn't a ton of "collector" value to the car yet and with the market the way it is, the perceived "value" of cars like these will continue to drop.

    those were final selling prices, not asking prices.

    The car has lost over 50% of its original value. It has depreciated. It hasn't gained any value. You cant have something depreciate AND gain value. Doesn't happen.
    true statement. not arguing with that. im saying within the past few years the cars selling price has gone up and down. selling prices, not asking prices.
    Additionally, look at the value of the dollar in 1987 compared to today, based on the Consumer Price Index. That $40,000.00 Porsche would cost you over $74,000.00 in today's dollars. If the average retail is $18,000.00 you've now lost $56,000.00 in value based on today's money, and you haven't even added in the cost of ownership - maintenance, insurance etc. Even at a paltry $1,000.00 per year (not adjusted) you can add another $21,000.00 to your net loss on the car (if you owned it from day one).

    Sure, it's a very cool car but your chances of making money on something like that are about zero.

    he would make money since he bought it for 13k and the current market as you say is around 18k. but i understand your point.

    don't want to turn this into a bickering match.

  6. i dont know how to stop him...

    he's got a very nice 87 Porsche 911 whale tail targa that he got around 5 years ago now. never been in the rain, not a scratch on it, you know the drill.

    he's now got his eye on a 911-996, which is still a porsche but obviously its the classic that he's got now.

    IMO the 87 is far better than the 996, in terms of pure classic porsche.

    he's reasonings are good though, its quite a money hog (sound familiar track guys?) as its 1000-5000 a year in maintenance alone, not to mention its air cooled so it takes a ton of oil. he test drove a new 997 a month ago and loved the new tech out. obviously the 996 isn't a match for todays lineup, but its still got a lot of nice tech that the 87 never had.

    maybe ill convince him to put it in storage and let me buy it off him when i graduate :) although i think id get a resto job and turn it to a 3.6L RSR with twin turbo's mmmm

    just a little post to clear my head. :rolleyes:

    what are your thoughts if you have any?

  7. easy there wildhorse!

    make sure you have your aces in the hole before you spend all your chips...

    in other words, don't jump too quickly on this one chris. breathe and take your time if your serious about this one.

    this sounds like there will be some way the will nip you in the butt, whether financing or some other avenue.

  8. :rant:

    thats what i said!!! im sorry but the last two years in f-1 have been nothing short of astonishing if you ask me. 2007 and 2008 championships have been decided by 1 point!!! yes 1 point!!! in 2007 that 1 point! was contested between three different drivers and 2008 that 1 point! was taken at the last corner last lap and last race of the championship. tell me where the boredome starts and i will give you a cookie!!!


    i must have spoken too quickly then... my bad. i just remember the days where it was basically the same finishing order as the starting grid. no passing at all.

    i think the last F1 race i watched was where lewis ran into the back of kimi "iceman" raikonnen at pit out.

    that was kinda interesting lol

  9. Announcement is supposed to be Friday. They've already pulled out of F1 and AMA Superbike. Why do you doubt this?

    not sure. just a gut feeling.

    F1 and AMA i can see them dropping out, F1 is pure boring what did they get like maybe 10 constructors points?

    ama same thing - suzuki rules

    motogp is the only place where they are thoroughly challenged to do better than the other guy with a greater chance of reward unlike AMA and F1, and are consistently competitive.

  10. Okay, that's funny. Seriously though, it was before he went all, "let's kill all the Jews". Historians believe the medications are what actually drove him insane, and to wanting to eliminate the Jews.

    close, i just had a final paper on this topic. weird how its all coming full circle...

    edit: i just had a long thing written, it was boring and a complete threadjack.

    basically look up freud theory of orality hitler and you'll find the answer.

    it was the mustard gas he got his with in WWI and triggered the memory to the iodoform used to "cure" his mom.

    jewish disease - breast cancer

    jewish poison - iodoform

    jewish profit - doc handing adolf the bill

    i actually said in my thesis that it was his mother's fault for the fall of germany...

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