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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. ^o i would almost bet my 6 is THE most comfy seat out there. almost...
  2. i live on 17th and summit... right in those new(er) apartments across from the gas station/subway. i probably do live across the street from you, although i've never seen a kawi near me though.
  3. ok well maybe but thats the basic jist of it. slow is smooth and smooth is fast... why were you vertical in the keyhole...? There is a dip in the middle of the keyhole as you bring the bike back in for the second apex, i lost my front as well same conditions as you (+throttle hanging off etc). Brand new rear PP and a end of two season old front PP. Im not saying it wasn't something i did, but i could be the tire age and condition as well.
  4. so you live ON campus? whereabouts on campus? or do you live in off campus housing?
  5. its easy. all about throttle control and being smooth. easier said than done... thank you for finding that i thought about that vid recently and couldn't for the life of me remember where/what it was.
  6. so im just going out on a limb here but im guessing you reside in the columbus area? welcome!
  7. ^lol spending a little too much time in my other thread eh?
  8. http://cdn1.ustream.tv/swf/4/viewer.45.swf?cid=317016 i know this link has been spreading like wildfire for a few days now. hopefully not a repost. live broadcast of shiba puppies. ~5 weeks old. enjoy.
  9. +1 to Nick. i know him personally from my trackday and he is a good guy to work with. he will always work for you.
  10. yes and i've also heard of a-stars and dianese bursting seams on impact. point is that it can happen to anyone no matter what brand of suit they are wearing, just get whatever fits the best. (and don't crash)
  11. yea i knew that, which is why i referred to it as an engine at the end of that previous statement. very cool! and welcome!
  12. one more thing. reading up on putting the cams back in and engine timing (not ignition timing) and how you could screw it up if you don't do it correct. would a simple solution to solving this problem be to just mark the chain and cam sprockets and matching them back up on install?
  13. so do you have an LS1 vette or is your name completely irrelevant to that engine in general...
  14. feeler gauge thats it! and i can't really do any engine work til i get a smaller range torque wrench. yea brian i've got the full service manual plus the haynes to aid with my visual side of the brain. ill be using the service manual but if there are any questions i usually refer to the haynes as a source for better pictures. and thanks dustin. much appreciated.
  15. doing a valve check this winter since im going to have the engine out of the bike anyways. 1: the book says i may be able to get shims to trade in at my local dealer... has anybody had any luck with this? i will call around tomorrow (if anyone's open...) and see what the dealio is. 2: is this something thats pretty easy to do? i know the actual check itself is simple but if i need to actually replace a shim then i feel like it would get a little more complicated. 3: any advice? how much are the measurement spacers (the technical name is drawing a blank) and a good magnet tool? 4: dustin do you want to move you and your shop a little closer to cbus... i should have some good how to's to put up this winter...
  16. glad i wasn't the only guy to listen to this song... taylor's hawt. but right now im currently on angels and airwaves - secret crowds next on the list - anberlin - *fin
  17. +1 for those of us that missed your last one.
  18. starting to prepare her for winter storage. slow but steady. probably next week or so she'll be in for good. mostly cuz she wont have an engine in her but thats neither here nor there...
  19. even though i probably won't sell it.... you know the old saying if the price is right... eh don't really care about street performance. as long as it performs when it matters.
  20. the OP is a photoshop. my post is not a photoshop. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=111777031
  21. im not sure which one is worse the OP or this: on second thought...keep the mask on.
  22. o im not actually seriously considering it. although i wouldn't decline if someone offered to give me one. don't get me wrong i love my bike and most likely won't be selling her ever. it would be a first choice in getting a second bike more like it.
  23. ^tru dat. all the ladies on campus just stare and wink as you drive by.
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