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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. a ducati truck would be sweet a toyota bike on the other hand. not so sweet.
  2. i've been riding my 99 for around two years and its a good bike and i love it. but today makes me really consider getting a new bike... my buddy just got a 07 r6 and we both went out for a ride and at our halfway point we stop and he tells me to switch bikes. i really have nothing to say other than holy shit. it was a completely stock bike and the sound it put out especially head down WOT was amazing. the power all the way to the redline was jaw dropping. and the stopping power! i just did HH and SS lines and yet it still feels like there is more stopping power than mine. maybe it has to do with the brembo m/c... only thing that i didn't like but really not a big deal: tall seat height- little hard to manage at the stop lights, my feet actually weren't able to touch the ground unless it was tipped over a little. again not a big deal because we were only stopped less than .1% fo the time. and the standard shift. i def missed a few shifts going from my gp shift to standard... i have ridden other 600's and 750's before but this was on a whole different level. just wow. time for a new bike or at least one with EFI.
  3. what is myspace? i hear its a place where old grumpy guys hang out as 18 year old blonde girls.
  4. tools - i bring everything i can fit into my tool box. which is pretty much everything. i could theoretically tear down my bike with only the tools in my tool box. lunch - bring your own food. at least at mid oh their food is very heavy and its not really appropriate for the work you'll be doing and exerting. good food for spectating not so good for riding. fruit and gatorade and packed lunches are good. rent a garage. you won't go back. especially if you can get 1 or 2 other people in on it the price will go from 50 for 1 to 25 or 18 per person easily. i would limit it to 4 people/garage though. i did 7 in one garage and that wasn't fun.
  5. racing or trackday riding? if racing: http://www.wera.com/rulebook/ trackday: http://www.sportbiketracktime.com/policies.html (more relevant info towards the bottom) as for yourself: good physical shape running some weightlifting, not to build muscle but to tone.
  6. o i know nick - i just got white boots myself, a-star smx-plus whites (great boot so far for me night and day between this and my old boot) chris will know what im talking about haha.
  7. are we talking about the road that rises over the bike path and then dips down into a left turn? i would almost bet rider error in this case. even if you didn't think you did anything most likely you did (just as brian said) whether it be getting a little spooked rolling off the throttle and upsetting the suspension or tapping the brakes to take the weight off the rear and overload the front. everything comes into play. coming over the hill or front is unloaded and then gets loaded very quickly without you doing anything but driving and then rolling off the throttle shifts even more weight forward as you tuck in to the turn. i nearly tucked the front at mid ohio and i was blaming my bike and shitty susp setup and then when i talked to brian (lizard1) and steve my instructor over lunch about it (who happens to be a state cop and a great guy) and after i told them exactly what i was doing they told me it was me rolling off the throttle resulting in an overloaded front suspension that caused it and to stop being a pussy and keep the throttle on. on the other hand with it being a country road on a fall day it could very easily have been a small patch of gravel... either way brian knows his shit and always has great advice whether you like it or not.
  8. i would almost say that oxtar's and sidi's are on the same level from what i've heard and researched. so its really all about whichever fit better and are the most comfortable for YOU. white eh? lol
  9. this is the how to i've got from my r6 board. different bikes same theory: This modification will make it so you do not have to turn the throttle as much to get the throttle all the way open. This is so that you do not have to reposition your hand on the throttle to open it all the way. It is very useful to those who ride on the track. A little warning about this modification. This WILL make the throttle more sensitive. You will not have to open it as much to get the same amount of power as the stock throttle. Things you need: PVC pipe - 1 1/4 in Dremel Throttle off of your bike or a new one Some type of glue (I used Loctite Super Glue) Some sandpaper This was done on a 2004 R6. The unmodified stock throttle should open this much to get WOT.This modification will make it so you do not have to turn the throttle as much to get the throttle all the way open. This is so that you do not have to reposition your hand on the throttle to open it all the way. It is very useful to those who ride on the track. A little warning about this modification. This WILL make the throttle more sensitive. You will not have to open it as much to get the same amount of power as the stock throttle. Things you need: PVC pipe - 1 1/4 in Dremel Throttle off of your bike or a new one Some type of glue (I used Loctite Super Glue) Some sandpaper This was done on a 2004 R6. The unmodified stock throttle should open this much to get WOT. First, go to any hardware store that sells PVC pipe and have them cut you a small piece of 1 1/4in pipe. Remove your throttle from your bike. When doing the rest of this modification, I found it easier to detach the brake lever and right side ram air cover so they don't get in the way. Now put the PVC pipe up against the throttle and mark where you want to cut it. Cut the piece of pipe where you marked it at and slide it on the throttle tube. Cut it some more if you have to to make sure the piece of pipe seats properly around the tube. Now take it off the throttle, and using the dremel, round off the edges of the piece pipe. It should end up looking something like this. Use some glue and glue it onto the pipe. You can use some sand paper to smooth it out if you want to. --Make sure that the PVC pipe is not wider then the part of the tube you are glueing it to. If it is then it will rub against the housing and prevent the throttle from snapping back.-- Take the throttle housing off the clip on and remove the throttle lines from the housing. You're going to have to grind down the metal throttle line tubes so that they don't rub against the PVC. You will also need to grind down some parts inside the throttle housing itself. I've circled the parts that I grinded down using a dremel. (sorry that it is a little blurry) Now you will have to loosen the throttle cable as much as possible. Here is the page from the service manual that explains how to do it. Once it is loosened, you can now put the throttle back in. Once you have it in, play around with it making sure that it is not rubbing anywhere. Turn the handle bars all the way to the left and right. When the handles bars are all the way to either side, rotate the throttle and let it go. It should snap back to its closed position. If it doesn't, then you may have to grind down some more parts because something is rubbing somewhere. This is how much your throttle should turn when you are complete with this project. and thats it. i personally have not done it and don't really recommend it unless you are track only. it will be VERY touchy obviously. as for specifics: the idea is exactly the same, a throttle tube is a throttle tube that does not vary from bike to bike.
  10. now (over winter) is the time to be shopping around. got a 700 MSRP dollar teknic suit for 250 off of an ebay dealer trying to clear their inventory for the coming season.
  11. if you've already got a jacket 1pc will fit and feel a hell of a lot better. i can see the reasoning behind a 2pc if you don't already have a jacket. but still 1pc wins.
  12. its SEMA. what do you expect? SEMA is a place for one off designs and ideas. this is exactly that, an idea that you or i never thought of and apparently ducati and toyota thought it was good enough to give it the go ahead. your not going to get a practical object here. remember that mini cooper that alpine did a few years back? fricking sweet but no way anyone would rock that for real. sure maybe its not the stereotypical company cooperation project but it is a neat idea. and it is the idea that matters here not the truck or the bike. they could have done GM and kawi, or Ford and Yamaha and it would still be the same response all around. point is that its not the partnership they are pushing on you with their SEMA project but this cool trackday transporter now this is just my late night im really tired response but what do i know.
  13. don't know about the suit or gloves but i tried out my smx-plus boots these past few days and absolutely love them.
  14. dropping an 05 transmission into my bike (and everything associated with dropping an engine and breaking it open...) valve check while im down there. complete and thorough cleaning, down to the bolt. and depending on the xmas list maybe new rearsets. its gonna be tits.
  15. yea there we go. trailers hauling from different areas of the state. but again -- its not even next year yet...
  16. I've never talked about this before, but I really need the boards advice on what could be a crucial decision. I’ve suspected for some time now that my gf has been cheating on me. The usual signs… Phone rings but if I answer, the caller hangs up. My gf has been going out with the girls a lot recently although when I ask their names she always says, “Just some friends from work, you don’t know them.” I always stay awake to look out for her taxi coming home, but she always walks down the drive. Although I can hear a car driving off, as if she has gotten out of the car round the corner. Why? Maybe she wasn’t in a taxi? I once picked her cell phone up just to see what time it was and she went berserk and screamed that I should never touch her phone again and why was I checking up on her. Anyway, I have never approached the subject with my gf I think deep down I just didn’t want to know the truth, but last night she went out again and I decided to really check on her. I decided I was going to park my motorcycle next to the garage and then hide behind it so I could get a good view of the whole street when she came home. It was at that moment, crouching behind my bike , that I noticed that the valve covers on my engine seemed to be leaking a little oil. Is this something I can fix myself or should I take it back to the dealer?
  17. natedogg624


    funny stuff right here.
  18. ^and for who has trailers so us cheap folks that don't have a way to get the bike there...
  19. so you want to wake up at 630 with a hangover and be on track less than an hour and a half later? unless its after the session but by then im exhausted and fall right asleep until the next morning.
  20. or we could just buy her PP's and tell her they are 2cts same thing.
  21. i think next next year you will be fine with 2ct's but until then PP's are your most efficient buy.
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