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Posts posted by natedogg624

  1. hey now, i'm still rockin chicken strips on my bike....but i also dont even try to pretend that i ride it hard yet, just happy to be riding again

    do you talk like you are teh shit? and you are the master of your bike? im not saying chicken strips are bad im just saying these guys talk a lot of smack without backing it up. these guys dont respect there bikes at all and are full of themselves...i am still a newb and i recognize that i still have PLENTY to learn about my riding and my bike

    but maybe they are right nobody will ever be as good as these guys on those onramps i mean im telling you those things are scary sometimes...

    I can't speak for others, but I ride. :dunno: When I'm not riding, I do whatever I want to do. What does Quaker have to do with it homie? :p:D

    a "cool" place to hang out and meet people from the dayton area! :lol

  2. does anyone near campus plan on going? we could meet up around here and then meet the rest of the gang at the final meeting place and go from there.

    yota- is it a ride in the funeral precession ride or is it a show up at the funeral ride?

    also i dont have a nice selection of clothes but i will dress as nice as i can with the clothes i have (all i got is blue jeans and a nice button down is that ok?)

  3. dont even get me started with that busa, i went down there earlier this season and the guy with a r1 showed up, now don't get me wrong in the right hands that can be a great bike.

    but this was not even close to the right hands. he started talkin shit like "i can turn it faster than you blah blah blah". so then i asked him what trackdays have you done have you ever got your knee down? and he said in all seriousness "nah man what you talking about? i dont know bout trackdays but i took the 270 on ramp real fast i was bustin throu thar at like 45 mph that shit was fast yo"

    i looked at his tire saw mile wide chicken strips and just left.

  4. no no i will be racing soon and am in the long process of building it to race spec but its my only bike so i still need to keep it streetable. i definitely dont want to be a poser for sure thats not my goal with this project at all. Looking to start some serious tracking with it this summer and work on getting my license soon after.

    make sense?

    ok i can see where the number plates can make it look like i am posing but what else could i use to fill up that large amount of space? The numbers i am choosing are a memorial to my late grandfather's passing not an imitation to something else

  5. i just bought a titanium exhaust hanger for my bike at 10.50 sweet!

    -i was just gonna run right pass bracket with footpeg taken out but found this auction instead

    and i also got a sharkskinz street solo tail for 50 shipped... another sweet!

    its gonna be a good summer :) bike is gonna look sick when im done

    question anyone know of a place that makes number plates for the tail? right now the plan is to get the measurements and get number plates made by a local but if i can shop around for something cheaper that would be cool too.

  6. i am pretty sure the new rules state its 1 hp per 3 lbs... UP TO the 140 limit.

    ah yes here it is

    Power is limited to one (1) horsepower for every three (3) pounds of machine weight, up to a maximum of 140 horsepower

    now that i think about that part of the rule is confusing...

    anyways thats not the point of the thread

    free bump

  7. what roads around dayton can you bust out leathers on???

    i have them but know of no roads in this area where you can get knee down...

    damn can't wait til summer when i can go with you guys around dayton and to nky...

    and i understand if you want to ride with me first off up here to see if im capable of riding down in ky. contact playerpro(cbr1000rr guy) he can vouch for me too

    look forward to riding with you guys in the summer!

  8. i heard fittipaldi(sp) was driving the vette... not sure who is riding along with him

    so you think it will be vette pace car, nicky on his gp bike, and 33 indy cars? then vette pulls off and nicky pacing the cars?

    that would be wicked! but not sure if thats going to happen...too much tradition, although i could see him doing a hot lap alone for advertising purposes just not pacing the cars

  9. there are other items for sale on other boards that are selling for around 50-60. i think it might have been the titanium bracket that was expensive and threw me off.

    the auction looks good so far i might just stick with it, and if i lose ill just wait for someone else to sell there's

  10. anyone know of places that can do leatherwork?

    i want to sow a design of my name onto the back of my suit (yea like the pro's...:cool:) along with possibly installing an aero hump. I have heard of places doing this for you, but anyone know of places around dayton?

  11. ok so i have been browsing ebay for some solo cowls

    anyways there is this item:

    solo tail

    its a sharkskinz solo STREET tail, meaning it can take my OEM seat, and the stock undertail. No tabs, but has holes drilled for zipties which isn't a big deal for me since it will be pretty much a track bike soon enough but in the meantime it still needs to be street legal.

    and there is also this item:

    exhaust hanger

    its a titanium exhaust hanger for the 99 bike and would work well for me so i dont have to buy a new one and its from the same guy.

    Everything looks good, except for the end time (the end of sunday). I will be in the process of moving and wont be able to get settled enough to start receiving packages (its more complicated than it sounds) in time. So i contacted the seller about this and offered him to buy it now and have some sort of downpayment for him if needed.

    he responded saying no need for a downpayment and he will take if off ebay and sell it to me for 90 dollars total for both not including shipping and hold it for me until im ready.

    right now the current bid is ~10 for the tail and .99 for the hanger. should i just wait til the end of the time period and put the highest bid up and then contact him about holding it tiil the move is done or go ahead and buy it now. That price was a little steeper than i expected so right now i dont know what to think.

    much appreciated for your help.

  12. Just an FYI for those of you who dont know any better, 33 (especially the section from 70 to logan) is patrolled HEAVILY by the Lancaster branch of the OHP. These are the biggest pricks in the universe. They patrol no other area. They fight no crime. If you break down, they fly right by, but go 6 mph over and they are on your ass. They only exist to give speeding tickets and make $ for the county and/or state. This part of 33 is probably the worst area in Ohio to speed in. I have been to court in Lancaster to fight several tickets. They show up every time. If you're going, get a lawyer and wear some respectable clothes. This will distinguish you from the dirtybutt who show up with their sag on.

    Say what you want my cop friends, these guys would give you a ticket for 6 over in a heartbeat.

    agreed! did you know the fastest speeding ticket last year(?) in ohio i believe was given in that area (the lancaster by pass right after the huge hill going east) and the guy was on a bike...

    its just so damn boring to get there on 33, this past spring i started doing 23 to 56 and into athens or go into the hocking area that way. takes around the same amount of time and much more fun

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