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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. I'll check my notes when I get into the office tomorrow. I wanna say ~3.5 for the large shell.
  2. Good old' Dave Grey. Cool dude, getting drinks with him this weekend.
  3. PM riders discount. They can probably hook you up...
  4. it's pretty obvious it's a viral video from LG. New marketing strategies everyone should come to expect in the near future. Look at the user stats, recently joined with only one video posted the day they joined and it's gone viral within 3 weeks...
  5. see the next post below that, i didn't feel like editing.
  6. don't worry too much about a genny just yet. Being from the OR group, there will be plenty of available plugs if you ask around ahead of time and chip in a few bucks for gas.
  7. why not tie into the tapatalk feature? i thought it was available from there but it's been a while since i've used that app
  8. however, that's not to say you couldn't race novice with a performance street tires that shouldn't need warmers. with a pilot power or 2ct, you can definitely run a mid pack pace, although it might take a few laps to build temp.
  9. i have never seen anyone without warmers go out on track for racing unless they had rains mounted.
  10. a delete your own post moderation button that expires after 5-10 minutes for when we accidentally post from another account :whistle
  11. 3. And 1 wildcard guest rider for a few rounds The above post was not meant as an inclination we're planning to run with Eric this year at all. If I did let that kind of info slip before the PR I'd have my ass handed to me lol
  12. homologation rumors... no confirmed title sponsor, hmm :whistle
  13. that vid reminds me of my chlidhood days with the neighbors finding that sweet dirt jump and then doing it over and over again.
  14. This movie has been in the works for 23 years.
  15. Getting a refund is a lot of trust I wouldn't expect from that guy. Sure you could have the docs and eventually win but it's a long process from PP Personally I'd sell them myself or ask for half refund before you send them back and expect to not get the other half. Depending how upset you are you could call him out on the FJ forum.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GAKOLOnfV4
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpA6TC0T_Lw Anybody seen this trailer yet? Release date of Jan 20 in select theatres. Having grown up near the Air Force Museum with my mom as a volunteer guide I was able to go to many of the special events including when the remaining Tuskegee Airmen came for a visit. Probably one of the coolest evenings of my life being able to hear their stories. This movie looks excellent and definitely look forward to seeing it. Lucas says there is a prequel and sequel written and ready to go if this is a hit in the box office.
  18. you know how i know your old school kawi, you post the lyrics to the song instead of the actual video itself... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnXfRstZntE
  19. Anything we can to help out I'm sure would be greatly appreciated: More info: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lend-a-hand-to-a-fallen-rider-Jeff-Kljun-Charity-Page/317438664962368?notif_t=fbpage_fan_invite Don't just like it, that does nothing. There is an app to use on fb, or if you'd like to donate directly, please go to any Chase Bank Branch and donate to the "Racing to Lighten The Load" fund in Jeff Kljun's name.
  20. no way, button's the favorite. webber's been too depressing as of late.
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