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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. I thought I read that one recruit verbally committed to Miami (FL) is now coming to OSU because of Meyer.
  2. Meet Bill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AG5d6pse-pE
  3. also, it is available on r4me but the extras in the dvd (not included in the r4me, yet) are also very good.
  4. "the guy to his right" - really? typical woman.
  5. https://fastestthemovie.com/order/order-new.php
  6. same format, older technology. Faster is more the 500cc to 990cc era, where this is more 800cc
  7. Came out this week, definitely a must order! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cq1f_UzflsI
  8. this isn't funny at all, but hot damn
  9. the "new wave" of MotoGP as well as the grand exit of one Casey Stoner...
  10. casper posts links. i'd like to see links countering his counters of your countertops. wait, what?
  11. you should host a group race for those not in cbus... my GT5 is currently loaned out to someone else though.
  12. http://www.infowars.com/ron-paul-gets-89-seconds-to-speak-in-cbs-debate/ I'm not a politics guy, but this is awful.
  13. so everyone who has blue eyes is related to an extent? that totally ruined the buzz of this blue eyed chick i'm seeing... :/
  14. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2395561,00.asp iPhone 5 should be out by then.
  15. so what is the correct answer? or is there none?
  16. so what is the cost to care for a dog? i'd really enjoy a rescue dog and has crossed my mind several times. what about those that live alone and work a 40 hour week?
  17. wtf seriously? http://www.geartaker.com/spike/10thsuperdeal/CB0758K
  18. i want to know kinda sorta, not as bad as sandusky wants little boys but that's neither here nor there.
  19. that just means it wasnt good enough lol
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