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Everything posted by Tomcat0403

  1. Wake up this morning and take the dogs out before going to work, and to my surprise there are a bunch of cops in tactical gear and black unmarked cars standing around across the street from my apartment. They had obviously executed it hours before but there was a guy with a sheriff shirt, one that said Police, and another that said APA (i think) on the back. I live in a great area up by Little Turtle Golf Course (actually on the course) and this kinda surprises me. Any idea what APA stands for or anyone know someone that could find out what happened?
  2. http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2012/07/17/columbus-pizza-delivery-driver-shoots-at-would-be-robbers.html He got one of them
  3. I left 5/3 a long time ago, and got a settlement from them after they rearranged transactions to make you over draft. The wife banks there now and as soon as we are back from our honeymoon we are taking her accounts to Chase. I have been banking with them for a long time and can honestly say i have always been taken care of quickly and with above expected customer service.
  4. I got my ICS last week for the Razr, great improvement and much smoother. On the Share Everything plan note....in all reality, how much data do you use per month. I am on my phone constantly, tether to my comp and rarely go over 2gb. If I get 6gb I would save 30 a month and have the hotspot feature.
  5. I love mine but yes....it is loud
  6. Its a real good idea to have those....people be gettin shot over dey shooes all da time homie.
  7. Actually....I have the same thing going on with my 05. Let me know what you find out.
  8. When someone thanks me for being in, I understand that they are thanking me for serving, regardless of what i did or didn't do. Many of you on here know that when my unit deployed I was not able to go with them do to an injury to my shoulder. I struggled with not going and being left behind as well as after the guys got back, what they went through and the loss of more than one Marine, after they got home. Even when I talk about this people always say, it doesn't matter, what matters is that you joined, volunteered and could have / wanted to go. Some people both active and reserve may think differently than me, but this guy seems like he joined for the wrong reasons and as above stated may be a disgruntled employee. I could see if this guy was infantry or had experiences that he will have to live with the rest of his life but for being an "IT" guy he seems overly hostile towards the USMC.
  9. In all seriousness....the new plans are better deals. I have unlimited data, but i have never used more than 2gb of data. With the family plan i am on I could have 8gb of data for the same price. And get the hotspot and tethering for free. My niece and nephew have gone over on minutes twice. Very expensive. 10 a month for a tablet addition is very fair as well, 20 for a laptop. To be honest, it really may be worth switching over for me.
  10. Never liked norton for the reason that it always slowed down my computer. Just d/l MSE and using firefox. Last comp i had I actually never had AV software, just used firefox and if i had a problem i ID'd itand search for the solution on google. Hopefully this will be good enough to keep the comp running and secure. Thanks for all of the input, absolutely love my computer.
  11. Just got a new sony laptop with windows 7....does it come standard?
  12. Techheads assemble!!!! Anyone have a recommend a free antivirus software for a new comp?
  13. Apparently there is a leak that was discovered at the akron plant....but not nearly enough to cause any alarm...thought there would be more reaction to this. #tinfoilhat
  14. Original Thread on reddit http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/uqlq9/reddit_i_think_there_is_a_giant_nuclear_coverup/
  15. a lot of the staties will be out and about today because it is the last day of the yearly inspection blitz for Trucks.
  16. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2012/jun/05/ohio-man-claims-castle-doctrine-car-gun-case-ar-1060613/ Man was charge with menacing after he draws on someone trying to get into his girlfriends car. Ruling was that Castle Doctrine only applies to your own car...wtf!
  17. Went off road with my step bro in his 4dr rubicon...it was great
  18. Sorry, apparently I missed all of this! It all depends on you to be honest. Commission is 25% of the profit generated, ie if you make $1000 on a load you make $250. Target to go on commission after your training is $4k a week, so just do the math. Obviously it is a sales job so it always varies with the market and your customers but there are people that make $350K plus a year. During the phone interview to see if you are interested they do have figures on time with the company versus avg income, and it does go up as time goes on. During the interview they do give you a very real expectation of the job and show you what you will be doing. They do not hide anything (which i find unusual) and tell you that it will be a difficult job. Long story short, youdo not have to be a great salesman in this job, you just have to be determined and have a strong worth ethic. Never hurts to come in and interview and see for yourself.
  19. I know, if i had more time/open plans that is where we would go.
  20. Sorry jeeps, We found a place nearby to painted rock. Apparently it was a sharing of land and the other two people sold off most of it a little over a year ago. Been a long time since I have done any off roading.
  21. I was planning on going to Painted Rock near zanesville, but none of the contact info works. Wellsville is 3 hours away. Anyone know of any other places? I was planning on going this weekend for part of my bachelor party.
  22. Technically yes. It is regarded as a base + commission but it is based on a draw system if you are familiar with that. Long story short is your sales numbers should cover your base, if they don't for that week it adds on to your next week goals. To be honest if you are halfway motivated it is not hard to cover and make considerably more than that.
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