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Everything posted by Tomcat0403

  1. leave it at my place in my garage, or tell them to shove it up their ass you will park your bike anywhere you wish
  2. Tomcat0403


    i would have slapped that bitch...."may god bless you" cram it up your ass bitch!!!!! Jesus H christ...*breath* ok....she's dumb
  3. Welcome to the site! Good to have you here! I believe Hue Jass has a FJR 1300 right, they are very nice bikes.
  4. ba ba ba boom mow mow ba ba boom mow mow
  5. CHUPACABRA!!!!!!! the ratio of legs to body with that muscle mass i doubt it could have walked....it's weird as hell
  6. my A* SMX gloves fell apart after a year of wear...they wore through on the palms, the outside of the pinky and the outside of the index finger...needless to say i have Speed and Strength gloves and suit now...no problems whatsoever ....but i am jealous as always
  7. I took a look at their website and they are brand new. They have some projects in the works, and i shot them an email seeing if they are planning anything for a 600RR. I don't really know where it would go, but one can hope!
  8. pit bikes aren't worth that much...ours are selling for 850 right now
  9. here come the bullshit train...Only i will be there tonight...my girlfriends grandfather was in a car accident, a pretty serious one at that and she is in Dayton at the moment seeing him, she told me she probably wont be back til later on tonight...who's going to be first to start????
  10. What he says about the BBB is partially true...they dont give a shit about your business unless you're a member...you will be graded poorly for even one complaint or bitching...
  11. Tomcat0403


    happened to my grandmother...less than a year after grandpa died, she passed away, she was in the hospital but there was absolutely no reason for her to pass on...
  12. i think it ate his junk!!!!:eek::eek::eek: *shiver*
  13. my $.03 (cause I'm baller)...OR is a bigger site, right?...soooooooooooo...pause for dramatic effect, wouldn't it make sense that all of the events/rides/etc should be posted on here as well? I see the junkies as a subgroup almost (don't take offense). Granted i dont know who showed up when or any of the specifics, but shouldn't every junkie be an OR member and those that are invited be a junkie member?
  14. Tomcat0403

    CDL tet

    I believe the first prerequisite i knowing how to spell "test"...
  15. I'll talk to my boss tomorrow morning...I'm sure we can do it np!!!!
  16. Google maps says 6.5 hours for the whole thing, from my place down to cinci and through the route...wait...im dumb...we dont have to go back through the route to get home...looking closer to eight or nine hours
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