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Everything posted by Tomcat0403

  1. Casper said to use winamp or windows media player... did you use quicktime?
  2. hmmmm...nope i'm not smart enough to do it
  3. Problem is...securing all of our borders would be more of an undertaking than going overseas...not to mention I truly feel like we are protecting people in over there too, hence the reason why I feel like we should be in Darfur or whatever that screwed up place is where they are using machetes to butcher women and children.
  4. I just got ATT and love it, DVR in each room of the house and it was only ten bucks more a month than time warner and you get a bunch more options and channels, not to mention TW customer service sucks ass
  5. I'm so tired of all of this bullshit flying around! Most of us have all lost friends or family in this war, I will not let that be in vain and i will go do my part to end this war! Cause it will end someday regardless of what people say! The actual foot soldiers of the terrorist sects are nothing but brainwashed ignorant people, in largely uneducated areas the only people you have to look to are the tribal leaders and those who promise you a better life. Violence towards Americans will never stop....ever. Someone will always hate us and try to kill us. The determination will be who wants to kill innocents on our own soil and stop at nothing to do so. Call me a crazy conservative or whatever the hell you want to, but what is the alternative here? Honestly? Do you think they will stop if we leave? Will they stop sending people to their deaths in suicide missions? Will they stop beheading people with a dull sword? Or will they call it a victory and use it to their advantage to rally supporters around the World and at home... I know someone is going to say "fear" this and "fear" that but i really dont care...
  6. I dont believe that poster or whatever the hell it is said "die of police brutality" If you want to volunteer to go be killed by a terrorist attack because some stupid dumb ignorant motherfucker wants to kill Americans just because feel free. I guess we should ignore murders and rapists too huh? The difference is that innocents are murdered compared to when someone dies in a car accident or dies of a disease. I dont believe diseases kill because they have a political, religious, or ideological cause to pursue or gain.
  7. yeah, and?? Are we trying to say that statistically we should not care about terrorism, but instead try to keep cops from killing people? Which I guarantee prefer to kill criminals when there life is in jeopardy? Yep you are eight times more likely to be killed by a cop if you are threatening them or someones life.
  8. uh....random AH-1 Cobra? Whats the story on that?
  9. so i have the clip but how do i post it or where do i host it?
  10. damn beat me to the ammo...I have a bunch of those Desert Storm cards too...didn't know they were worth anything
  11. I heard the final product yesterday on the radio, and I thought it came together pretty well! You sure it was WNCI casper? We recorded it with CD101
  12. my girlfriend works at champps, go there!
  13. repost i think...but sweet none the less...could you imagine a little old lady walking her dog at night an pulling out one of these!
  14. count me in, hopefully I wont have drill that weekend, regardless I will send a donation.
  15. me too...you need to come over and sign that referral also
  16. bad nathan...I would hate to see you get rid of the bike man but GL!!!
  17. price completely negotiable, not too expensive at all, I was thinking the longer you stay there the more of a discount i can give:D
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