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Everything posted by Tomcat0403

  1. wow...i just looked at the route and for me and mandie it would be a 14 hour trek...hmmm don't know if my tire can handle that
  2. Great tips! Didn't know the one about putting your kickstand down on the sensor wire
  3. i rode in the freezing rain at night once....that sucked hardcore but i ride all through winter as long as there is no snow or ice...let me tell you going 65mph @ 25 degrees is fooking cold!!!
  4. nice bike Bad324...join the crowd of Red 05's!!!!
  5. To everyone that went on the ride, sorry for the traffic but it wasn't too bad of a ride...hope everyone had a decent time
  6. Wrillo, ShittyGSXR, McLovin and I just stopped up to see how Brian is and he was just moved out of the ICU and from what his sister said, should be out of the hospital very soon! He had about fifteen people there to see him and we all got to meet them and they are wonderful people! Brian, you are a lucky man to have so many people who care for you! You have a great mental attitude that will carry you through all of this. Don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it, I'll see you again soon! Edit: if you want to I'm sure there are a few people on the board that will help you fix up your bike, put that insurance money to good use and dont waste it at a shop who will take all of it unnecessarily. Since it's Larry (?) i think that is handling the repairs for you let him know that option is wide open for you!
  7. Gunny Delgado is a Hell of a Marine who has lost a lot of people and cares a lot, to Zachs family if you ever need anything you can always feel free to give him a call
  8. Damn i have wanted a Garand forever...congrats on the pickup
  9. Pryor sucks balls....he sucked last year and sucks again...falls apart under stress
  10. Everyone has said it already...hang in there and you have my prayers...we may not have met but let me know as well if you need anything at all
  11. I like the bike man! Even though it is a GSXR...but i guess i can forgive you since you have a 2005 600RR. Lets see some pics of that!!
  12. The one thing i will never forget about that day is the eerie silence of everything, no planes in the sky, no cars on the road, nothing happened as everyone was watching this unfold. I still can't believe that I was in middle school eight years ago in spanish class when this all happened. God bless all of the heroes that day and to all of the heroes since. "United We Stand" Semper Fi
  13. hmmmm...dont know if i want to ride to work after that....
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