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Everything posted by Tomcat0403

  1. Tomcat0403

    RC51 John

    Anyone notice Twin trying to sneak in the pic on the right side?
  2. just watched the movie "the doctor, the tornado, and the kentucky kid" last night and they went over a few crashes and talked about how high of a pain tolerance those guys have
  3. i had some grapes this morning and just had leftover bob evans french toast!!!!!!! it was guuuuuuddddddd
  4. welcome to the site...what jeep forum are you on? jeepforum.com?
  5. i do believe i dont have eyes anymore..............
  6. type of bankruptcy makes a big difference, you should be fine regardless, if you work a full time job you'll be able to survive. After all, it;s your parents not you...you probably wont have to get rid of anything to survive, also think of it this way, if you arent making payments on it it really isnt costing you to have...not to mention if you ride your bike a lot (i mean a lot) you save tons on gas....i have a jeep wrangler that gets damn near 12 mpg and the amount that i ride it really doesnt cost me to have the bike compared to the miles that i woulkd have put on the jeep...not to mention the upkeep of the jeep which is ridiculous
  7. ... ours is basically the same thing, new, 107cc bored out...$100 more
  8. i really dont care if it is left or right...the economy should be left alone and the government should stop dabbling in every damn thing, where does it make sense to double the national debt to try and fix the economy and create an inflated government with CZARS and all sorts of other shit....THE WORD CZARS should raise some fucking eyebrows anyways! Who the hell thought that that would be a good idea! to create this team of people to control, undermine existing systems, and report directly to the President all handpicked by the President. Does this not sound like anything other than a bad idea????? I still maintain the even though the President is the Commander-in-Chief, he should not be allowed to handpick who is in charge of the military due to the fact that the military would be the controlling force if any sort of control would try to be forced upon the citizens of the US. For the President to be able to control who is in charge of all of these extremely high powered postions is way too much control for one man.
  9. exaggerating????????? no....it should not be done...period the end
  10. Agreed he is there because of us, the killing of innocents on purpose and for fun should never be tolerated and that right there give us the right to go kick whoevers ass is doing it...I still love the quote "with great power comes great responsibility" on that note we should be in darfur and all of the other shitholes where people are literally being butchered, raped, and enslaved daily
  11. bullshit....government run business, healthcare...really that's not leaning towards socialism at all there should have been no bailout and the companies should have been allowed to falter or adapt
  12. careful how you put things...don't belittle the things they have done over there regardless of how it was started... not that killing innocent men, women, and children with chemical and biological weapons is itself a reason to have that motherfu*ker hunted down and killed...too bad it took so damn long for us to have the balls to go in there and get his ass...it should have been done a long time ago...but i digress
  13. lulz....hence the reason why i put "my opinion" all over the posts....I have this horrid feeling that this country is going toward true socialism and i have a problem with it
  14. Clarification...If I had a kid I would at least sit down and talk to him afterwards, due to the fact that i feel that Pres. Obama has duped the entire nation; during the election, the first 100 days, and currently, into believing every word he says and i feel that he possibly...maybe...might be trying to create a following and setting up the next generation for him... my evidence (IMO) is what was stated above
  15. not that this President duped the entire nation or anything and is "leading" the country to a place where i do not want to be... NTM that the fervor that people were drawn to him was bullshit in the way that I feel that people voted for him for things that are and will be too good to be true, all for the sake of "change" because things are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking terrible in this country....boo freaking hoo. I am not saying that things cannot be better but jesus h christ, go live anywhere else in the world and take a good hard look at US and ask yourself, "what do i really have to complain about?" these opinions are mine and not meant to offend personally, as always feel free to retort
  16. agreed...but the issue is that many parents suck these days and rely on schools to develop their kids. Hence the reason for the large growth of drugs in schools and fucked up kids in general...parents aren't part of kids lives anymore and dont pay attention to the sign that their kids are fooked up...drives me insane. Worthington was ok when I was there, but I always thought that they should search lockers routinely, never once was there a mass locker search, in which they would have found thousands of dollars in drugs...the reason behind this (and no exhageration) they did not want to find the drugs and have to admit or even have the public consider the district had a drug problem...
  17. I am fine with it as long as it is just what it should be "welcome back...school is good for you." I just know that a lot of teachers...at least in worthington will take it way to far and start pushing their views on the kids like they did when i was there
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