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Everything posted by Tomcat0403

  1. except of course for optimus prime...he would be a massive cold front coming from the rockies...epic
  2. go figure, not that the country is collapsing or anything like that...need more black names for hurricanes
  3. true, they said the body was a mile away from where they flagged down the rafters, but for gods sake take a map, know how to read a map, take the necessary supplies!
  4. Drinking from even a polluted water source will only severely effect you days afterward...
  5. They were taught that the rivers are so polluted that if you drink from it you would die anyways from nuclear waste!....damn hippies
  6. Teen Dies at Grand Canyon After Water Runs Out Friday, August 14, 2009 Print ShareThis GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK, Ariz. — An 18-year-old who was among a group of eight hikers that had run out of water at the Grand Canyon has died. The National Park Service says rafters on the Colorado River were flagged down by a hiking group Thursday morning about 30 miles downstream from Lees Ferry. The hikers told the rafters that they were out of water and needed help. Park Service rangers then received a report that one of the eight hikers was dead. A paramedic flown to the scene found the group about halfway down a trail known as the Shinumo Wash Route. The dead 18-year-old was located about a mile from the rest of the party and his body was flown out by a Park Service helicopter. The service and Navajo Nation police will jointly investigate into the incident. For realz?
  7. fuck that! shoot the bitches!....i kid...kinda
  8. really sad I missed this thread...and did anyone really look at her pics? Hawty is an overstatement...HUGE overstatement. Glad she can call other girls fat and ugly though!
  9. Tomcat0403


    If they do something (i.e. play and instrument or something similar) i will give them something as long as it is interesting...then tell them to get a job
  10. I'll be there around eight thirty or nine
  11. The Marines have always taught me to carry in condition three (except in combat)...It truely depends on where I'm at. If i am riding down in the ghetto on my way home at three in the morning i have it chambered, or somewhere similar where someone can get to me easily. Anywhere else where I don't feel threatened or i can see someone coming i leave it unchambered. I know the XD's have an internal firing pin block and they are extremely safe even without a thumb safety, but I don't want to take the unnescessary risk of having it chambered in the grocery store. I do consider however that anyplace I go something can happen, but it is all about risk assessment, not to mention, chambering a round is a great deterrent. I am extetemely comfortable with weapons, but safety from accidents is my primary concern.
  12. http://movies.yahoo.com/news/movies.reuters.com/tom-cruise39s-son-quotred-dawnquot-remake-reuters Hopefully this movie will be sweet!....hopefully
  13. I completely meant how the Japanese tortured, maimed, disgraced, and murdered prisoners of war and an event called the Rape of Nanking (among other things)...not how we treated them through internment camps....that's small fucking potatoes, possibly controversial
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