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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. hey! what part of dayton are you from? you should make an intro thread!

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  2. haha.. yea, mine didnt go good. idk when im leaving yet. kinda got held up going to meps. it was gonna be at the beginning of the year.. so im guessing its gettin a lil pushed back now.

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  3. ill take one of those extra bikes in the garage your a big computer geek huh?
  4. haha jarvis, you make me lol.. its awesome! he's tryin to get back at everyone for making fun of him all the time. idk how many times ive tho about turning my old truck, or new car into a show car.. but then i come to realize its too much money and it would take years.. i dont have the patience. lol ive customized my car, and plan to do my next bike, but thats it. nothing crazy.
  5. damn brad!! only 14k miles!! what year is it?? matt.. get rid of it. that csrt4 will treat you well, besides.. might need a family car here soon.haha.. and its fast. idk why people dont like gettin rid of their firsts. lol i could care less bout my first car. nothing special of a 96 cavy 4dr. even my first bike. have no prob gettin rid of it. i guess its cuz im a girl and i like new things and better things? lol
  6. wow.. you must all be noobs to forums.. rep points are on pretty much every site. if you hit the home button you can see the exact amount of how much you have. ..lol i must not be liked i only have 7.haha... but when i hit the scale it says 10???
  7. ninjachk08

    New horn

    wow! lol you'll def. be heard
  8. praying for a full recovery after surgery. hope it goes well.
  9. wow.. i cringed the whole time while i watched that
  10. lol you might want to make sure if you plan on making it feb 27- march 8 ok i googled finally!
  11. shouldnt you be at the game mister coach? :lol:

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  12. i dont feel like searching .. when is it? lol
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