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Posts posted by Harb67

  1. I'll be at Dyno day. Have a good ride.

    Thanks, have fun at the Dyno day :) I've got nothing against the event or anyone going, I'm just not really the 'hang out and bullshit for a few hours'-type social person...I'm more the 'stand around awkwardly and quietly stare at all the shiny bikes'-type. Plus, knowing Ohio there will be a chance of snow (or brimstone, or a monsoon of raccoons) for the next 3 weekends so I wanna jump on this potentially beautiful day :D

  2. The weather tomorrow is looking to be really hit-or-miss: 30% chance of isolated thunderstorms from 1 to 3, then 30% chance of light showers until 7 in the evening. I realize that 30% is TWC's way of saying "we really have no idea what's going to happen", and if I don't go then it will most assuredly be bright and sunny all day without a drop of rain...so I'm going to take my chances and ride :)

    I'm thinking a 10 AM meeting time. Unless anyone has any better ideas for a meeting spot, I'm thinking the 7 Eleven (3700 South Hamilton Road, Groveport, OH) just north of the 33/S Hamilton Road junction would be a decent spot as it's more or less on the way from Columbus to Hocking. I'll show up there at 10 and leave at 10:15; look for the guy wearing black leathers on the blue Ninja 650r. Cell number is three-three-zero-6-0-3-six-7-8-six.

    I'll post the route in a little bit. It's not the most technical ride but I've done the route many times and I always have a blast.


    Click here for the route on Google Maps

    That's the 'basic' version of the route and it essentially ends at McConnelsville; the route north from there to Zanesville (to get to 70) is rather boring although quite scenic...it's just the easiest way back to Columbus. I have other iterations that continue on longer (such as this one), and depending on the weather, road conditions, and how everyone feels during the ride we can continue on further.

  3. Anyone up for hitting some twisties on Saturday? I know the Dyno Day is going on, but I havn't had a good ride yet this year and I don't need my bike dynoed again. The weather looks to be pretty good; chance of rain later in the afternoon/evening but that shouldn't be a problem if we get an early start.

    If anyone is already planning a ride and wouldn't mind another person coming along, let me know. I'm game for more or less anywhere within a reasonable ride from Columbus (Coshocton or Hocking come to mind)

    Otherwise I'll probably strike out on my own towards Hocking County. If anyone would like to come along you're more then welcome to do so. I'll probably ride a route I'm pretty familiar with, but I havn't been out there yet this year so I'll be erring more on the side of caution than sheer speed because who knows what sorts of goodies winter has left on the road.

  4. And Harb up in Cleveland-Canton-Akron, is kinda crappy out....

    Well duh, it's not July yet so of course it's going to be cold and wet in the northeast :p

    The OP is from down here in Central Ohio though. It's a bit chilly and completely grey outside, but at least there's no more snow on the ground :)

  5. Stupid movie. There were a few parts that I laughed at but all in all, a waste of an hour and a half or whatever it was.


    I was looking forward to this coming out on blu ray and hoping it would be really good... The trailer looked so promising, if for no other reason than the cast :\

  6. I'm all for any kind of experiments on cats. Hate those little bastages.
    Its prolly because I live in the country and for some stupid reason everybody in the city seems to think it the best for a cat to drop it off in the country when they cant take care of em anymore. Then they breed like rabbits and are everywhere. Climbing all over our cars crapin in the kids sandbox ect..... Soooo for any cityslickerss reading this thinking about giving your cat a nice county home, I use them for target practice the the buzzards and coyotes eat them. Have a nice day. :)

    I'd rep you from here to the moon if we still could.

    Cats suck X-(

  7. Ebon or JCMathis, do you know if this ride will be split into a 'fast' group and a 'not as fast' group? That's how it was run on one ride I managed to make it out to last season and it seemed to work out pretty well...and considering how we'll be up near Coshocton, I know there will be plenty of temptation to take off at a pretty good clip :burnout:

  8. I had a new tire that a "crack" almost all the way around the tire. This tire had zero miles on it. I noticed the crack when i was installing the tire back onto the bike. I returned the tire to the shop and they exchanged it. The shop indicated that it could be a seam that was caused during the manufacturing process. The shop said it was most likely ok to ride on. But got a new tire anyway.

    Sounds like a more severe case of what I have. I can see the seam around the entire tire, but it's only cracking in a few areas. For all I know this has been there since day 1 if it was a manufacturing defect...

  9. After getting the bike out of the garage for the first time this season, I noticed that my front tire has some cracking along the sidewall. There appears to be a seam from production running around the right sidewall of the tire, and there are small cracks along this seam in several areas. None of the cracks are too deep, but it's not something I've ever seen/heard of and I want to know if it's safe to ride on this tire. It's only been on my bike for a year, and has about 5000 miles @ 30-32 PSI on it at most.

    Pics (really big...didn't want to embed them and piss off those with smaller monitors):


    ^close up of one of the worst areas of cracking. It's not too deep but it caught my attention while checking tire pressure.


    ^as you can see, there is a 'seam' of some sort that appears to be from when the tire was made. This runs around the entire tire.

    Also, while I've got you guys here, here is a shot of the tread of the tire where there is also some cracking. Is this safe to ride on? :


    I plan on getting a new front as I've only got about an inch of tread above the wear bar, but I'd like to be able to wait about a month or so until I have some spare cash. Thanks for looking!

    *edit* I'll update this with larger pics in a few...those are too small to really get an idea of what I'm talking about.

  10. Hey man, it was good to hear from ya yesterday. I'm in awe of how well you're handling everything; your situation crosses my mind more or less every day and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be holding up nearly as well as you are if I were your place. I'll shoot you a text later this week and let you know when I'll be back in town if you still need help with any of the stuff you mentioned yesterday.

    You should post up a pic of your exhaust and see if anyone can pop that dent out. I know there are a few people here with experience disassembling and reassembling cans that can probably get that thing right without much effort.

    Also, that's a damn slick car. If that's not an example of making the best of a shitty situation, I don't know what is.

  11. I try to wave whenever I think to, but I forget a lot :o

    I do hate riding past those huge lines of Harley riders though. I feel like a douche if I don't wave, but I feel like a clown hanging my left hand out for a good 30-45 seconds while they all go by. Who the hell needs to organize a group ride to go in a straight line anyway?!

    I never wave to scooters. Mostly because the only ones I see are out around campus, and most of those people have no idea what a wave means.

    I kinda want to get creative with my waving this year. Maybe stand up and break out into a Macarena or possibly a big gay YMCA whenever I pass the ZZ Top harley wannabe, and maybe a "YEAH BRO NICE GIXXER"-style fist bump whenever I pass a squid rocking the sandals and shorts.

  12. How did you get your ticket already? I can't find em on ticketmaster.

    I'm almost 100% in for this show; I saw DT and Yes at Blossom a few years back and it was a killer show. Mostly depends on ticket prices and if I can have the money before they sell out :\

  13. Ah damn, I don't think I can make it then. I doubt if I'll be back by then, and I still need to do some work on the bike before it's roadworthy. If you guys go on any other rides down around there between Saturday and next weekend I'm absolutely in though :)

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