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Posts posted by Harb67

  1. Wow. Stuff like this just stops you in your tracks...

    Did this happen have anything to do with whatever happened at Scarlett and Gray Cafe last night/this morning? There were an awful lot of cops as well as a crime scene van outside of it this morning and I live right across the street...

  2. i was thinking about hitting up a quick hocking ride saturday morning, route would be 33>374>180>374>664>56>93>664>coonpath>33

    Where will you be leaving from and what time? I'm planning to hit Hocking on Saturday as well, and it'd be nice to learn some new roads (havn't been on the ones you mentioned.

  3. I have voted for Ron Paul in the past, and I plan to continue doing so until he quits running. It's a rather extreme claim to make, but I firmly believe that Ron Paul is the best chance that our country has to turn things around and get on the right track. Adding Rand to the ticket would only make a good candidate even better (assuming a paul/paul run for the presidency)

    If you don't agree with me, read this and see if it changes your mind any:


  4. Unless it's something really serious, you're better off learning it on your own. Fire up Google and find a .pdf of your bike's service manual and go to town. If a given project would only cost you 100$ in parts and some of your own time, you can rest assured that the same project will run you 350$+ at a shop, and in the end you're still just as clueless about your own machine.

  5. That was a hell of a weekend :D Thanks to STT for putting it on and thanks to the instructors (especially Jeff!) for all the great feedback. While the track wasn't perfect (seams, a few dips in rather inconvenient places), I still had a blast. It was great meeting people from OR.net and putting more faces with names as well :)

    I did lowside in turn 2; I went in a bit too hot and didn't cross the seam aggressively enough and the front end tucked. I'm 100% fine though, and my frame slider did its job. It took 95% of the damage to the bike, and the only other thing that got damaged was a small scuff on my exhaust. Not a problem at all :)

    I'm already looking forward to my next track day. I'm totally addicted, but I have a LOT to learn. I'd say my biggest takeaway from Sunday is that I am MUCH more comfortable with my bike and my confidence is way up. However, I need a ton of work on my lines, especially corner entry. Anyone that rode behind me will probably agree that I had some of the worst lines of everyone out there yesterday.

    Also, I've gotta get some damn rearsets! I've still got probably a third of an inch of chicken strips on my rear tire simply because my toes/pegs would drag even though I'd do everything I could to help with ground clearance. When we did that body positioning lesson on the stationary GSXR, it felt NOTHING like my bike because the 650 is more sport-standard than supersport :(

  6. ah - i guess they're available, just further away from everything. The staff will set up along the "B" building to be close to pit lane.

    Are you planning to run tire warmers? unless you need power, i don't see the appeal of a garage.

    No tire warmers for me, but the appeal of being able to sit down out of the wind and sun is too much to resist. Plus, power would be nice to have for things other than tire warmers.

    If I can't get one that's no big deal really, but I'd rather have a garage than have to set up my canopy tent that may or may not be good for what I need it for (havn't set it up in like...15 years. Can't even remember what it looks like haha)

  7. If I wasn't doing the Gingerman track day on Sunday I would probably be riding both the CSBA ride Saturday and then strike out on my own again on Sunday, and you'd be more then welcome to come along. Shoot me a PM any other weekend you want to head down to Hocking though; I usually end up riding there once a weekend unless its raining.

    Like jporter said though, check out the CSBA ride on saturday. They're a great group of people/riders and the trips are always very fun :)

  8. I've only been there once before, i but I don't remember seeing garages on the property.

    Their website says "-Rent a garage. We offer enclosed garage slots available to rent a day, weekend, or month! Call our offices for prices and dates available."

    And according to this map they're in building D right by the main paddock:


  9. Would anyone be interested in renting a garage for the day? I have no idea what the prices are like, or even if they will be available as the website says to call for that info, but I thought I'd ask to see if anyone would be interested. I'll call the track tomorrow (well technically later today) to get the details.

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