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Everything posted by Harb67

  1. And this is why I hate the south. Also, shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits.
  2. Harb67

    yo quiero...

    Give me the model of laptop and I can have a link for XP drivers for you in about 3 seconds. And...don't blame the OS; no offense to anyone, but 99.9% of all Windows problems are user error. Apple just locks down their hardware and software so tight that there is little room for user error
  3. That Desmo has bigger chicken strips than my bike...which is quite sad.
  4. Harb67

    yo quiero...

    He can install Vista right now without a code and use it for a month, and then he'll be locked out of it until he gets a code. You're going to have to buy a copy of Vista if you need a code. Using the same CD key on 2 computers doesn't work. Also, no video card is only vista-compatible. Maybe he downloaded Vista drivers for it, which won't work on XP, but there's no such thing as a Vista-only video card.
  5. Harb67

    Are you LOST?

    I was so into Lost during the first two seasons, and season 3 nearly killed it for me. 4 started picking up towards the end, and 5 looks like it'll be pretty good. By the end of tonight's 3 hour Lostathon though, I was burnt out and half paying attention and half reading GQ :\ Was sort of a boring episode really; once again they created more questions than they answered.
  6. How about post count and an account age restriction? Maybe, 50 posts and 1 month? If someone is registering on a bunch of boards trying to sell stuff, they probably want to sell stuff RIGHT NOW and won't bother registering if they have to wait a month to post anything. The post count requirement is sort of easy to get around by itself (hell, Kawi can get 50 posts faster than his bike can hit 60 ) but it's a good way for someone to become known on the board, which is always a plus when buying/selling stuff on a forum.
  7. I like the product review section idea, but I think it could be expanded on even more. How about a general gear board, with the review section being a subforum of that? (you can have subforums to a subfourm, right? I'm not that familliar with vbulletin, just phpbb) A review section sounds like the sort of place that only people who already own a piece of gear would go and post threads about their ownership experience, while a gear board could be place to have virtually any discussion on gear and not just reviews posted by people who own specific pieces. I know I personally hate cluttering up The Daily Ride with gear questions, but they don't really feel like they would belong in Tech Questions either. Oh, also, I dunno what all is out there, but adding more 'fun' things like rep and the arcade can only help to bolster the good community feeling we have
  8. The hi-res version of #10 just earned a spot as my new wallpaper on my main monitor. I freaking love pics of racers at insane lean angles. Looking at the small contact patches and thinking about the insane forces being applied there makes me remember how badass physics is
  9. ...I know what I'm doing next time I go home and have a big yard and my parents snowblower to play with.
  10. Friction scares me. Make it ice skating and I'll be there yesterday
  11. Harb67


    Pics of my bike the first day I had it. After hitting the pavement from a combination of vandalism and accidents more times than I'd like to admit, it is now nowhere near this pretty. Oh well, I don't see the bodywork while I'm riding
  12. Harb67


    From the album: 650

  13. Harb67


    From the album: 650

  14. Harb67


    From the album: 650

  15. Harb67


    From the album: 650

  16. Harb67


    From the album: 650

  17. Depends entirely on how much I get. The most likely candidates are either A) just putting it towards a CC payment or B)
  18. Harb67

    BIGGEST fan

    America? THIS is why they hate us!
  19. I'm not sure if you picked up on my sarcasm or not, so I'd like to state for the record that A) I was being sarcastic and B) you are preaching to the choir. I voted for Ron Paul.
  20. Yeah but it's for our own good, they've gotta stop those terrorists!!!
  21. Is the first vid seriously real? That's amazing.
  22. 84c is pretty damn high...throw a pump and some rads on that thing and OC the hell out of it
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