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Everything posted by Harb67

  1. Fellow rider - Nate. I parked next to him last year and he mentioned the forums. Some of the best riding-related info I've picked up yet
  2. I love Pandora. I've got 19k mp3's, and sometimes it's really hard to pick what I want to listen to. With Pandora, you just need to know what type of music you want to listen to to fit your mood, put in an artist/song that is a good example of it, and away you go.
  3. If you like sci-fi, pick up Tad Williams' "Otherland" series. Absolutely amazing books.
  4. Fonzie, go buy more stuff and get another code...I'm buying a suit and some boots sooner or later Can't you get codes by sending in reviews of + a pic of you in gear you buy from them? I could have gotten one when I bought my gloves earlier this season but never did it because I didn't need to buy any gear in the foreseeable future, and I didn't think to give it to anyone here
  5. You ain't heard nothin' yet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQTjOH07_Jo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13QAPq0236Y
  6. I helped because I'm never gonna give you up WhoDey.
  7. I suddenly feel really good about myself.
  8. http://www.theonion.com/content/node/28784 Look at the date: January 17, 2001 Sort of funny that the plucky news parody site was probably the most accurate with its predictions over most of the major 'real' news outlets ""We as a people must stand united, banding together to tear this nation in two," Bush said. "Much work lies ahead of us: The gap between the rich and the poor may be wide, be there's much more widening left to do. We must squander our nation's hard-won budget surplus on tax breaks for the wealthiest 15 percent. And, on the foreign front, we must find an enemy and defeat it."" Check, check, and...check. And a lot more checks throughout the article.
  9. I'm not going to debate anything further; everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, I do find it fascinating that people keep telling me that third party software doesn't work on Vista. I'm using third party software. I'm using Vista. And it's working...right now! *shocked* You guys must use my computer more than me or something
  10. I walked out of the house this morning, noticed that I couldn't see my own breath, and immediately thought "there's going to be some batshit insane guy on the boards going 'I rode today!' when I get home." And here you are Glad ya had fun...I sure as hell wouldn't venture out there this time of year. Just a friendly suggestion, you might consider heading over to the Introductions section and introduce yourself so people can get to know ya Welcome to the board! [noticed you have one post...so I'm just assuming )
  11. I will agree with you there. One of the main problems with Vista is people trying to put it on older machines that simply aren't up to the task. Yes, the "vista capable" thing was complete bullshit, but that's more of a knock against Microsoft themselves rather than the operating system. Sure, Vista likes its memory. But let's be serious; memory is cheap as hell these days. You can snag 4 gigs of DDR2-800 for less than fifty bucks, and that is more than enough to run Vista flawlessly (hell, most users won't even use all 4 gigs...isn't it time we ALL upgraded to 64-bit OS's?). Back when it first came out, you did need a fairly expensive computer to really handle Vista, but nowadays that simply isn't the case. Bottom line, in my opinion, is: if you've got the rig for it, get Vista over XP and don't look back. Hell, even if you don't have the rig for it, it's pretty cheap and painless to get your box up to snuff. XP came out 6 years before Vista, and Vista has been out for nearly a year itself. Keeping up with the times isn't nearly as expensive and scary as some people think.
  12. Harb67

    OSU vs Texas

    I hope we win simply because I hate that goddamn "hook'em horns" hand sign. You are not metal. Football is not metal. Your team is not metal. STOP THROWING THE HORNS!! You're abusing it
  13. I used XP for years and years up until building this new computer in late August. So far, Vista has been more stable and much more user friendly than XP ever was. For every person like yourself who hates Vista, you'll find someone like me who really likes it. Just because you've had some problems with it doesn't mean Vista sucks. I have no qualms about recomending it to people; it's going on the system I'm building for my nephews and it'll likely end up on my parents computer sooner rather than later (I've had XP on that system forever and I've already had to do 2 formats within the past 2 months...I hate doing tech support for family)/
  14. Then you must not do much on your computer except what Microsoft tells you to do...... Install an ATI SLI video card.... ---Actually, I'm using a ATI Radeon 4870x2, which is technically an "SLI" solution because it is 2 GPU's on a card, and it runs just fine; best video card I've ever owned...dominates Far Cry 2, Crysis, Crysis: Warhead, and everything else I can throw at it at 1920x1080 resolution with max settings in DX9 and DX10 modes. Also, there is no ATI SLI, it's called Crossfire. Install any Symantec enterprise product.... ---AVG is better, why bother with Symantec? Try to play Halo.... ---I have a 360 next to and connected to the same 37" monitor as my computer for a reason Try using anything Novell related.... ---Nope. Try using any Adobe/Macromedia product like Photoshop or Coldfusion.... ---Photoshop CS3 runs like a top on my system. Try mapping a network drive to a Samba server.... ---Nope. Try using Roxio to burn CDs.... ---Roxio? What is this, 1999? A gutted, streamlined Nero 6 does the job better than anything I've tried so far. The list of my personal experiences goes on and on and on......... ---Sorry Vista didn't work out for you, but that doesn't mean it's terrible. I've been running it for several months now, and have had nearly zero issues that havn't been resolved with a few minutes of thought and effort. So far, about the only thing I don't like about it is the driver signature enforcement...although that is disabled entirely with 3 keystrokes during boot up. *edit* Lol, seriously? An article from well over a year ago? I'm not going to bother with all 20 points, but: 1) Yeah, actually it does. How do you explain the fact that ALL of my hardware runs just fine? 3) see number 1. 10) Start>control Panel>Programs and Features...O NOES THEY RENAMED IT *head asplode. 13) No shit, firefox runs ten times better than IE7 on ANY operating system...IE /= vista. 14) Disable it really kills resources that much and if you really can't afford to shell out 20$ for a gig of ram. 18) *right clicks* I spy with my little eye...an "open with" option! *edit again* http://www.googlefight.net/?kw1=i%20hate%20vista&kw2=i%20hate%20linux "i hate vista" = 1,670,000 results vs "i hate linux" 1,850,000 results :rolleyes:x2
  15. -1 I'm using Vista Home Premium 64 and loving it
  16. ""We take very seriously our responsibility to help protect the personal identity of Hoosiers, and the employment of this innovative technology is yet another important step forward in doing just that," Stiver said." Yeah, that's exactly what the tech is for. 5 years from now: "this tag we're piercing into your ear is to protect your personal identity!"
  17. Are you kidding me? Firing Tressel would only accomplish one thing; show the world the TRUE potential for OSU students' rioting abilities
  18. As much as I hate the majority of Penn State fans, I still have to support Penn State this time around. USC must lose X-(
  19. ...was this supposed to be controversial? I read it and more or less went "Sounds fine Ben, have a nice day".
  20. +1 Personally, I'm buying a Ferarri on credit with 0$ down and a fixed rate just before the economy really falls apart and the hyperinflation hits. 10 grand due this month you say? Do you have change for a billion?
  21. http://www.thebostonchannel.com/automotive/18210468/detail.html BOSTON -- A Massachusetts-based oil executive is boldly predicting that pump prices might fall to $1 a gallon in early 2009. "The oil market is a manic-depressive market. It tends to overshoot," said Joe Petrowski, CEO of Gulf Oil. Petrowski, who has been studying the oil business since the 1970s when he wrote his Harvard thesis, said that the price of oil could sink to $20 per barrel, WCVB-TV of Boston reported. "The market overshot last summer on the high side. Oil never should have gone to $147, but it did and it can," he said. Petrowski is betting that the slide in oil prices will continue to fall dramatically and overshoot on the low side. "There is a better than 25 percent probability that we'll see oil go as low as $1 a gallon sometime after the first of the year," he said. Gulf Oil, which is based in Newton, Mass., is not an oil producer or a refiner. The company is a wholesaler that distributes fuel through a network of 1,800 Gulf gas stations throughout the Northeast. Dramatically lower gas prices would be quite a rebate check for consumers, Petrowski said. He said the drop may help ease the country out of the recession. "The price of oil has a tremendous impact on discretionary consumer spending. I think it hurt us tremendously during July and August," Petrowski said. That's when high gas prices prompted motorists to cut back their travel by 9 percent. But Americans are conserving as much as now. "But long term, we need to have oil prices at an equilibrium price that will encourage new production, will encourage efficiency and will encourage alternative sources," Petrowski said. He said he hopes that the motivation to create alternative energy sources will not be lost if pump prices continue to fall. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The guy certainly knows his stuff, so it'll be interesting to see how this plays out. I'm personally worried that this is all just an attempt to keep the US and the rest of the world firlmy hooked on oil by dropping gas prices so low that the current push for alternative fuels and energy efficiency fades away. I'm also sort of worried that gas prices that low will cause the Volt to bomb, as well as whatever electric solutions the rest of the Big 3 are cooking up. That being said...looks like early 09 might not be a bad time to throw a few bucks at investing in oil. We all know it'll go back up sooner or later, and at 20$ a barrel, why the hell not? Regardless, I wouldn't complain about 400-mile rides out around Coshocton or Hocking for 8$
  22. Harb67

    Dear Deer Killers

    I say give the deer guns...NOW you've got a sport on your hands
  23. No contest - the original is approximately 300 times more metal than the cover. The cover is good, but the original is just...fucking metal \m/
  24. "Depending on the demand from retailers and distributors, the rear-view motor-sport helmets are expected in the shops by early 2006." They're late by about 3 years. Which is a shame really. I'd be all over one of these if they were available
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