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Everything posted by Harb67

  1. Awww, you had me all excited and thinking it was this Hayden: But instead ya went a posted a giant picture of a dude.
  2. I've gotten no emails (test, newsletter, etc) at all recently. Nothing in junk, nothing deleted, and admin@ohio-riders.net was already on my safe list. Harbinger67@hotmail.com is the email, just to save you the trouble of going to my profile in case you are continuing to check individual email addresses. This sounds like a fantastic idea though, it's got a lot of potential
  3. Harb67

    What do you do?

    Full-time student going for my Finance degree. I also toil as a steward (read: dishwashing kitchen bitch) at the Blackwell; shitty job but it pays for my motorcycle addiction and other stuff for my various hobbies.
  4. Taco meat and chili are two things that get better with age (and multiple reheatings). Dig in
  5. Casper would have about 6 total posts if it weren't for digg.com
  6. That's what I was thinking it was, but the article wasn't particularly clear about it. Reminds me of the Super Chief concept Ford put out a few years ago that ran on gas, ethanol, or hydrogen.
  7. Harb67

    Hack your brain

    :werd:Or you could just do drugs
  8. So I'm confused. Does it burn hydrogen along with the gasoline?
  9. So you're a m*ch*g*n AND a Steelers fan, yet you live in Ohio? Did something horrible happen to you as a child that caused a pathological need irritate other people or something
  10. I still love Vista, with my only complaint being that I wish the start menu shortcuts were fully customizable. True story. I did download and sort of install the Windows 7 beta though. My computer is being finicky about dual booting though, and I've been too busy to really play with it. I'm not a fan of the UI at all so far though; it feels extremely unpolished. I know it's just the first public beta, but you'd think that after all the awesome UI stuff out there in OS X and the multitude of Linux distros, Microsoft would learn how to make a decent interface :\
  11. Welcome! I'm from Stow myself, lived there my whole life until I started college at OSU, but I still go back home for breaks and on the occasional weekend. I've spent more than my fair share of time over in the Falls; went to highschool at Walsh and about half of my friends live there. Us Akron/Kent area guys should get a ride together sometime this spring
  12. Fuck AdCouncil. I'm gunna go smoke a bowl, drink underage, and call everything around me gay just out of spite.
  13. Harb67


    DnD is actually a shitload of fun if you've got the right people. I played once or twice a long time ago but never got into it because the comic shop near my house closed and I never quite tried to find another group...the uber-nerds are never fun to play with and a fun bunch is a rare find :\
  14. Argh, I'd be all OVER that if they were my size X-( I'm heading to the Pony tomorrow to pick up some Diablo Rosso's and a pair of Vertigos. I almost bought the boots over the weekend when I ordered the tires, but I decided to wait and think it over as I am sort of in between sizes :\ Side note; so is that your bike there at the Pony, Lizard? I saw the yellow gixxer and KNEW I'd seen it somewhere and remembered it from your avatar, but I'm not really up to speed on all the board members' goings' ons' so I wasn't really sure.
  15. Street only for now. Track days are a big commitment and I don't think I'm in the position to do any right now.
  16. Rock on pony I can't deny that I love that store; I know that you can probably get better prices on stuff online, but sometimes you just gotta do some real shopping once in a while. Speaking of which...I'm heading over to pick up some tires, a new visor, and some Sidi's tomorrow
  17. I read a similar article a few years ago but the guy never got caught in any situations like this. I myself have been doing thus stuff for a while. I work at a grocery store when I'm at home for breaks and stuff, and I've signed the machine in every way possible. I've done smiley faces and even played tic-tac-toe once. The only time it ever declined it was when I filled the entire box in with black. It just had me resign it; didn't ask for any signature comparison or anything.
  18. Maybe 5500 this season for me. Not nearly enough.
  19. Nothing Any resolutions I could make are things I've already planned on doing/are doing already. For a long time I've been wanting to get in shape and such, and I've been making efforts for the past year or so. I'm finally at a point where I enjoy what I'm doing and I feel good, so I really don't need to force myself to continue. If anything, it'll be easier to keep it up because my class and work schedule fits a good exercise plan flawlessly; I don't even have to go out of my way to get to the gym...my last class of the day is right across the street from it The only other thing would be riding-related; get out even more than last year, go out with more OR group rides, and keep getting better at riding in general. I don't need a new year to convince myself to do that.
  20. Figured I'd rather post a reply here and ask this rather than start a second tire thread: My bike comes stock with a 160 rear, but I can fit a 170 on the rear rim. Should I stick with the 160 size, or up it to 170? A larger contact patch is always a good thing, but will I see any negative effects other than paying an extra 5 bucks for my tire?
  21. ...I feel poor now. I want one
  22. Harb67

    Spring Ride

    You just got positive rep for that comment.
  23. Harb67

    Spring Ride

    I'm up for this depending on my schedule (give me enough notice and it won't be a problem) and the condition of the roads. I love riding in Hocking and I'm going to try to make it out to a bunch of OR group rides this season
  24. Oh man, the Busa beats the 14 by 4 mph, it must be teh best bike evar!1!!1!!! ...the Busa vs. 14 quarrel has to be one of my most hated aspects of sportbiking. Take a fat guy with a bad riding position and aerodynamics and put him on the Busa and a skinny guy with a proper riding position on the 14, and the 14 will probably have a higher real-world top speed; the difference is that minor. But no, people insist that one is way better than the other. I'm not saying that it's a huge problem on this board, but some places you go people are so goddamn adamant about their loyalties that you'd think Suzuki or Kawasaki pays them to praise their respective bike.
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