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Everything posted by Harb67

  1. Just an update: Got my Razer Moray's in the mail today. Obviously, I havn't had a chance to ride with them yet (it's cold, I've been working all day, and...it's freaking december duh) but from what I've seen so far, they're great. Really good sound and pretty solid noise cancellation. The earbuds have 3 sizes of rubber things that stick in your ear, which is MUCH nicer than the cheaper buds out there that use foam that eventually dries out and disintigrates. Perhaps most import thing is the fact that they fit very well in my helmet and don't get yanked out easily. For the 33$ shipped I paid for them (from amazon w/free shipping), I couldn't have asked for anything better. While I can't really give a final verdict on em, my initial reaction is that they are very good headphones and are absolutely worth checking out if you're looking for a fairly cheap riding music solution. *edit* Also, my 60gig iPod Video fits perfectly in the carrying case they come with. Added bonuses are always welcome
  2. Heh honestly I'd be interested in this if my rig weren't so inherently lan-unfriendly :S I haven't had any real competitive tendencies in gaming since CS 1.6...sometimes I miss it
  3. My jacket is big as it is, and I'm going to be dropping some pounds before spring so my current one will be a tent (hopefully). It's also really heavy and bulky; it feels like a suit of platemail at times.
  4. Oh that reminds me; do motorcycle boots like these have extremely soft soles or something? I only ask because I know that the high-end ones have replaceable soles and your mention of wear and tear adds to my suspicion. At first I figured that the high-end ones have replaceable soles because of brake/shifter wear, but now I'm curious if they have soft soles in general that wear out with normal walking.
  5. How are your Vertigo's in the wet? I'm not talking complete downpour (I do my best to keep out of the rain), but will your feet get soaked if you get caught in the rain? I'll check the Air's out when I stop by the Pony next week, I've never been one to worry about getting too hot while riding, but then again I've never ridden in anything but heavy hiking boots at best.
  6. So I'm sitting on a nice chunk of change from Christmas that is all going towards gear...particularly boots and a suit. I'm sick of hitting Hocking and Coshocton and wearing jeans and sneakers; I'd prefer to keep my skin when my number comes up and I take my turn on the asphalt. I figured it'd be a good idea to ask here before I go blowing my money expensive stuff that may or may not be what I should actually be getting. Boots - This is really the area where I'm most undecided. I've been looking at Sidi's simply because I've heard that they're more or less the best boots out there, although they are a bit pricey. These boots will be mostly used for riding out in the twisties; track use is a possibility but not a certainty. I'm not particularly concerned with getting something I can ride around town and go into stores comfortably in, and therefore I'm looking for 'tall' style boots rather than the shorter style of boots such as Teknic Freestyle's. I've been looking at both Sidi B2's and Sidi Vertigo's. Anything more expensive than that is out of my price range. I like both boots and from what I've read, they're both quality equipment...I'm just not sure if the Vertigo's are worth the extra money. I'm not completely set on either of these boots though, so I'm open to suggestions. Suit - I'm more certain about which suit I want, but figured I would ask anyway because for all I know, there's something better out there. In most discussions I've read here about suits, 2-piece suits havn't gotten much love. However, in my situation, a 1-piece suit isn't really practical. The suit will be used for mostly the same thing the boots will be and will live mostly out in the twisties, but track days aren't totally out of the question either. However, unlike boots, I do want something I can wear for everyday use, and this is where the 2-piece style comes in. I've got a good riding jack right now, but it's bulky and was a bit too big when I bought it, and will most certainly be too big come springtime because I'm losing weight. Thus, I need a new riding jacket and I can't afford to buy a jacket and 1-piece suit for this coming season. I'm looking at getting a Joe Rocket GPX Type R 2-piece suit. I'm considering this one mostly because it's the most affordable one I can find and from what I've read it appears to be a pretty solid piece that's track-capable. However, I'm not totally in love with the looks and I'm very open to suggestions if anyone can recommend something else in the sub-600$ range (though 500 is more my target...) Thanks for reading, any input people can give would be appreciated
  7. LAN party? I game online so I don't have to interact with the people at the other end of my bullets
  8. I was at work but kept seeing bikes going by all day I'm off tomorrow; I'm gunna try to get out tomorrow as long as the weather is playing nice.
  9. Harb67

    360 Live ????

    You can each have your own, but you need a separate Gold subscription per gamertag if you want to play online and such, I believe. You can have separate accounts on the system though, which helps separate each persons saved games etc.
  10. Bummer. I've got an FM transmitter I bought a while back but I avoid using it at all costs; devours AAA batteries and has a really weak signal. I know there are better ones out there but I have no experience with em, sorry.
  11. It depends on what kind of equipment your van has. Does it have a tape deck? You can get a casette adapter for like, 12 bucks at Radioshack. If it has a newer stereo with a line-in (some head units have the plug in the back inside the dash - requires a bit more work), it's even cheaper and all you need is a male-male stereo plug.
  12. Damn straight I'm the dude that likes vista Skullcandy is fantastic if you like muddled mids and a terrible bass. If you can get a pair for 20$ and they last for a while, then that isn't so bad if you're not worried about sound quality. If sound quality is of any importance though, spring for something a little higher quality.
  13. Get some good noise-cancelling headphones and you're good to go. I wouldn't recomend anything made by Skullcandy - they're pretty shitty. A quick search for reviews online brings up a swath of bad reviews spanning their entire product line. I just bought a set of Razer Moray's; they should be here Tuesday; I'll let ya know how they work out. I've been using Razer products (keyboard and mouse) for a while now and love em, so I figure I'd give their headphones a shot. They're 40$ MSRP but you can get them from Amazon for about 33$ shipped.
  14. Welcome from someone who is originally from very close to Akron
  15. I hope this dipshit driver is suffering an eternity of being eaten alive by flaming demon hounds in whatever afterlife he may be committed to. I feel no sympathy for his/her death whatsoever, and hope it was exceedingly painful. If someone wants to kill themselves, that's fine. Do it in such a way that doesn't endanger others. My heart goes out to the innocent victims of this tragedy
  16. True. I was too busy noticing everything else I guess. I'm a sucker for anything that might even hint at a new twisty road in Ohio
  17. Is that road in the first pic you posted in Ohio? God that's beautiful. But yeah...my solution to intense bike cravings is to buy a bunch of new toys for it. Boots, suit, exhaust, intake, PC3, tires are all in the cards for the next few months
  18. Here's another for TIME WARNER BLOWS!!! Their internet isn't bad, but my digital cable is pathetic. Unreliable, shoddy signal strength (breaks up a lot), the DVR itself is a really crappy piece of hardware, and the tech support makes me actively consider arson.
  19. 9.5/10 for accurate placement. Mad props.
  20. No, but I did sign up for that thing that the state set up that lets you register emergency contact info and stuff for use if you get in an accident and are unable to give it yourself. Or at least I'm pretty sure that's what it did...I registered a while ago and can't remember entirely
  21. I used to paintball (wish I still did ) but I totally condone that. Cmon, fat kids have tons of protective gear built-in! I think the scream alone is enough to make the paint steer away mid-flight...
  22. Holy crap I almost pissed myself watching that dog LOL
  23. http://gallery.mobile9.com/f/255995/ That's not where I got my copy from, but it's the same idea. How you get it to your phone is entirely up to you; I personally sent mine to [my cell #]@vzwpix.com and saved the attachment that came in the text...but that only works for Verizon. It's a great ringer. Not only do I love the sound itself, but anyone who knows the games turns and smiles at you while everyone else just thinks it's a stock ringtone
  24. The Codec ringing sound from the Metal Gear Solid series. Anyone who has played MGS knows exactly what I'm talking about; everyone else is lost.
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