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Everything posted by Harb67

  1. This is the first I've heard about this place. How far is it from the Columbus area?
  2. \m/ I saw Braff do an appearance on campus. He mentioned that the new season was going to go on the air once one of the new shows got canceled. What got the axe?
  3. I'm a huge Hedberg fan; I don't even know where to start with his stuff...it's all gold. Honestly, it's hard for me to pick a favorite comedian/comedy bit. I love standup, and there's so much good stuff out there it's hard to choose. For now, I'll just leave you all with my favorite Carlin bit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eScDfYzMEEw
  4. Must...not...let...die...! There! Controversy! Now, everyone, RAGE! Go! Debate!
  5. Are you kidding me?! I love that stuff!
  6. I'm having Thanksgiving at home this year, instead of here in Columbus with my moms side of the family like we usually do. Which really pisses me off because now we have to have Christmas here in cbus which fucks my winter break over; I now get all of about 13 days at home. Fantastic. I also get to try to do Thanksgiving dinner without eating any starch or refined carbs...should be a fun science experiment at the least
  7. My heart goes out to ya man, we just had to put down the first dog I ever had and my best friend of 14 years It's rough. Keep your chin up and remember the good times you had together
  8. I refuse to put anything in my mouth with the words "Nut brown" in the title.
  9. I've got an account, but I never use it. I'd probably be a fan if I had a smartphone so I could update it anywhere. For anyone who wants a really simple explanation: Twitter is basically the Facebook "status" feature, and nothing else.
  10. I saw the salt today and immediately thought "Game over, officially." Cold? Sure. Wet? Sure. Entire road covered in fine dust? Nope.
  11. HOLY JESUS CHRIST ON A POGO STICK! That was easily one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen. So, anyone have any good boot suggestions?
  12. :puke:To each his own, but I loathe Mencia His show is funny for one episode; after one episode you realize that he has one shtick and he rides it into the ground for 22 minutes a week. He's a good performer though, and does have his moments. I wish he'd quit wasting his potential :\
  13. ...so, what are your hourly rates Can't wait to see how this turns out.
  14. I watched it, but felt it was very lukewarm compared to his other 2 specials. A few minutes in and I turned to my buddy and his girlfriend and we all shared more or less the same sentiment; "Wow, this got really racist really fast..." Dunham is a great comic, but I think he's starting to lean on race/"national pride" too much. Yes, we get it, you can make fun of Arabs, blacks, and terrorists. Yes, it gets a laugh. Now do something different before I change the damn channel :|
  15. Harb67

    Had a wreck

    Wow that's intense man. Glad to hear it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been though. Here's to a full recovery:cheers:
  16. Harb67


    Sooo jealous :\ Again, grats! I can't imagine what it must be like going from a 650 to ZX-14.
  17. I'd probably retaliate in some way just out of rage and instinct before I even hit the ground. Thrown something, whatever. Probably hit her with the spatula I guess. Nut shots just aren't cool, especially ones that hard and direct. It's an indescribable pain; I'd rather be punched in the face.
  18. And harvest his organs for sale on the black market. ...what? Don't look at me like that. We're already going for broke here, I'm just approaching this from a business standpoint
  19. Harb67


    Ah, that's sort of what I figured, but I didn't know if the 14's stock system was particularly restrictive or something. From what I've seen, systems for these things easily run into quadruple digits, which is serious change for someone in my broke-ass college position
  20. Harb67


    Just for the uninitiated (i.e. me), what's wrong with the stock exhaust? Why replace it so quickly?
  21. Oooohhh, I searched for spoil, not corrupt. Hah. Oh well. Satan/Casper: can we preeeeeese have a delete or lock thread option when we edit our own posts?
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