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Everything posted by shadyone

  1. Tbutera you are correct I completely forgot about the open carry laws.. thanks for the reminder..
  2. So some of you guys are for the ability of someone who has never even touched a gun to walk into a store purchase a pistol and a holster. and carry it without having ever shot it or for that matter even knowing how to work it correctly. all they know is that it will shoot when the trigger is pulled. No thanks I'd rather have training a simple as it is and keep the wanna be thugs from being able to carry legaly.. thats just me. EDIT: and for that matter not knowing anything more than on the news that morning a bill just passed to allow everyone over 21 the right to carry without a CHL...
  3. I can see it now this cow will soon become the most expensive piece of meat ever sold... hahahaha..
  4. compared o the Take down of my pt840 where i pull the slide back slide a button down and it slides off and I can take it all apart in about 6 seconds. i guess from what im told its just like a glock. the kimbers you have a take down wrench and a few more steps. I've only seen it done once but it looked llike a huge pain.
  5. i've been know to o the <1 mile jaunt across town to my parents in shirts tshirt and glasses but i dont even change gears just stay in second. other than that at leadt jeans boots gloves helmet and jacket or my draggin shirt..
  6. Fixed it for ya.. and yes i could very well see that being my next bike as i'm quite partial to triumph anyway..
  7. I think the problem is that 1911's tend to be expensive so kimbers being 1911's are also expensive. they are really nice guns top shoot and to look at but the carry size 1911's tend to have problems, and are a huge pain to teardown for cleaning. I would suggest spending the same money on a carry specific gun (taurus TCP or S&W Bodyguard .380) if thats what you want to be able to do and then also buy a full size..
  8. then we will call you Ringo 2... hahahahahhahahaha a
  9. Im not saying that its not competitive in the sense that they suck. Im saying I wouldn't be competitive just out to have fun unless all of the sudden I become a phenom but that doesn't really happen.. hahaha
  10. I never even considered just an over under or side by side. that puts a whole new segment out there. I guess I always assumed that a pump was standard shotgun good for about anything not the best for anything either. Although I would hardley say that a weekday old man league is seriously competitive. I just wanna shoot really.
  11. Id have to look at my setting from when I got my adjusted for the track but I actually think that it was really close to three turns from full out on the compression. might not be too bad where it is.
  12. Instead of WD40 get some of the penetrating oil stuff.. if its corroded it will help a lot more than WD40.
  13. I like the Idea of a group ride. where everyone is fully geared up. he will either show up in gear which he may have or go home when he realises hes out of his league. or try to ride with you and crash..
  14. Right I understand the two gun thing an am looking to get the clay first because I have two pistols that will do home defense just fine.
  15. this is true but comparetively speaking I would say a Mossberg 500=250cc 887=600cc and a benelli Super Black Eagle II=1000cc so a Nova or 887 isn't unreasonable. O and I learned to ride on a 955cc.. hahahaa
  16. Im not plannign on it being a competitive thing just once or twice a month with my brother for the fun of it. and then maybe doing a weekday league sometime once i get a lot better. and it won't be my only defense gun have a Taurus 840 and TCP both next to the bed everynight. Also my GF and I live in a one bedroom apartment os If someone is in the Apartment with one corner from teh bedroom to the open kitchen dining room living room area.. so a long barrel wont inhibit my movement.
  17. I guess I should have posted this earlier I have shot Rem 870's 1100's and Mossberg 590? and they are good guns. but everyone talks about how they have had their shotguns for 20 years. so Even though this is MY first shotgun I have been around them and Am willing to spend the money to get a NIB shotgun that I will like for the next 20 years. Now granted I will buy more shotguns and guns in general for the rest of my life I don't plan on ever selling them. Unless of course realy hard times fall uppon us. Its not like It's going to bankrupt me to buy it. so why not spend the cash on a lot nicer one instead of upgrading later. Nice looking gun by the way
  18. o OK I got ya I just assumed all the gen 4 would have the duel and the gen 3s didn't. thanks for the clarification. and Im glad to see that he didn't get screwed by jumping the gun on it. something to say about not haveing to deal with internet hassle or searching for deals just to save a little bit of cash.
  19. Thanks for the Advice Hellmut. its just that when you are spending $500 dollars on a gun you don't want to regret it. kinda like buying a bike just to outgrow it too soon. I honestly dont think I could go wrong with any of them so Ill jsut get the one that tickles my fancy the most.. Turns out thats the Supernova in the Realtree APG Camo.
  20. Take him to a clover highway exit first... hahaha if he can hang at all youll know. if not just leave him to find his own way home..
  21. O and also about double my price range..
  22. I will for sure be posting up a review as soon as I get to shoot it. and I'm glad to hear they worked out the problem. seems like the enginerds assumed the spring could interchange instead of testing it.. hahaha o well. i just hope i dont catch this Glockitis.. And my choice for handgun if i was buying today would be the Spring field XDm 3.8..
  23. I do love the Nova In Camo.. not that I'm a hunter but thats the one i'll be buying if its a Beretta.
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