1. My name is Anthony. I go by A.J. my parents wanted to name me A.J. but realized my first name couldn't be an A and my middle a J so they named me after my grandfather James, and came up with the first A name they could think of. 2. I learn quickly things that interest me. hence my 7 year mech eng college career. (math sucks) 3. I started my own company last year with my father and brother. If you want an epoxy coating or nature stone work done. hit me up. you can also check out Minsterconcretecoatings.com (should probably put that in my signature.) 4. I count. normally by 2's anytime i get bored. sitting in a bar i'll count people glasses red shirts what ever it may be... its wierd i know. 5. I have a chiweenie named Baxter. love him to death but man does he get on my nerves some times. 6. I have two siblings 2 years older than me. and only 2 months apart. I have four siblings more than 17 years younger than me. although i'm an only child. also the oldest youngest middle and one of five and one of three. 7. I am very competitive and arguementitive. 8. I despise religion because my mother was a jehovahs witness and got kicked out for seeing my grandmother who got kicked out for smoking.. and i hated going door to door to preach. screw all religions because of that. 9. I was never baptised. and it is going to be an issue when i try to get married. 10. I will own a motorcycle of some sort till the day i die.. its my only real hobby and nothing will stand in the way of it..