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Everything posted by shadyone

  1. its the thumb throttle thats so hard on your hands. doesn't really compare to a motorcycle.
  2. He's not naked he has shoes on.... hahahahaha
  3. That is a very UGLY version. ours is marked like a black dachsund on top and white with black and brown speckles on bottom. And ears bigger than the one in the picture.
  4. Am i the only one who thinks that if for whatever reason I ever became homeless that I would do this exact thing just to go to jail. can't be that bad in a county jail. now i am not saying state prison.. just county to get a good meal...
  5. 1. My name is Anthony. I go by A.J. my parents wanted to name me A.J. but realized my first name couldn't be an A and my middle a J so they named me after my grandfather James, and came up with the first A name they could think of. 2. I learn quickly things that interest me. hence my 7 year mech eng college career. (math sucks) 3. I started my own company last year with my father and brother. If you want an epoxy coating or nature stone work done. hit me up. you can also check out Minsterconcretecoatings.com (should probably put that in my signature.) 4. I count. normally by 2's anytime i get bored. sitting in a bar i'll count people glasses red shirts what ever it may be... its wierd i know. 5. I have a chiweenie named Baxter. love him to death but man does he get on my nerves some times. 6. I have two siblings 2 years older than me. and only 2 months apart. I have four siblings more than 17 years younger than me. although i'm an only child. also the oldest youngest middle and one of five and one of three. 7. I am very competitive and arguementitive. 8. I despise religion because my mother was a jehovahs witness and got kicked out for seeing my grandmother who got kicked out for smoking.. and i hated going door to door to preach. screw all religions because of that. 9. I was never baptised. and it is going to be an issue when i try to get married. 10. I will own a motorcycle of some sort till the day i die.. its my only real hobby and nothing will stand in the way of it..
  6. I've been thinking about a hydration bag. was going to go with camel back but seems more often than not i need a book bag to carry stuff anyway!!.
  7. Hell even Barber is only about 10 if i remember correct.. and well worth it!!
  8. Sonicc has the best chilli dogs. thats the only reason i go there. and they are open 24 hours..
  9. Planning on riding up saturday from the perry county area. and meeting up with some buddies in columbus to finish the ride. anyone have the hookup on tickets? on another note i recently met a physician for the AMA that apparently lives in beavercreek. chatted for a few minutes and i mentioned the site.. maybe he will be on here soon.
  10. They are really bad about using the plane on 675 by kettering.. see them all the time and tons of people pulled over though there.
  11. Congrats bro. sound amazing.
  12. I think this will be my next one also or a truck gun but a different variation.. this one... http://www.taurususa.com/product-details.cfm?id=693&category=Revolver&toggle=tr&breadcrumbseries=41
  13. i can also enjoy a nice rain ride. as long as interstate isn't involved. then it just sucks..
  14. I just got one of these for my girl and having it on the pillon seat we cant seem to get it adjusted right. any recommendations. we are planning another trip down to the gap and we tend to do long days and a couple hundred miles a day is hard on her, which in turn makes it tough for me.
  15. I have the Bohn back and chest protector. though well made they are thick and not all that comfortable and like to ride up. id go with something else next time.
  16. is this getting posted up into a raffle or what? i could use a new knife.. and if i keep clicking these armslist links im going to end up buying something.. a lot of good deals but kinda leary about buying a gun from some random...
  17. Should have been that way from the beginning everywhere..
  18. We named our dog Baxter... normally we call him stinky because when he was a pup he had the worse gas imaginable. and unfortunately also likes to sit behind your heck in the car.. bad combination... I do like sprocket though.
  19. you can find a goog pair of pants for the cheap the problem is i believe they want them to be able to zip to your jacket. chances are you won't go down in novice.. just be safe and trust your gut. and dont push yourself into a faster group than you are comfortable. and use your daily ride.. your 500 will be just fine.
  20. ^THIS^ not really that hard.. just make sure your ramps are secure..
  21. pick up that RSV Mille thaqt someone just posted.. or a speed triple... i always seem to turn to those..
  22. watched a guy do almost the exact same thing with an MV Agusta a few years back down at Daytona. luckily he didn't drop it and my brother and I helped him get it in scratch free..
  23. shadyone


    and i think they weren't fuel injected till 02..?
  24. full auto glock... never heard of such a thing. pretty neat though. would like to shoot one some time.
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