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Everything posted by shadyone

  1. after reading a little more we are in a mini ice age apparently but could be plunged into a Real ice age any time. try not to complain abotu the heat too much just incase mother earth decides to say i told you so..
  2. from wiki... " Glaciologically, ice age implies the presence of extensive ice sheets in the northern and southern hemispheres;[1] by this definition we are still in the ice age that began at the start of the Pleistocene (because the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets still exist) its a very technical thing I guess.. but just because its hot doesn't mean it cant get a lot hotter.
  3. I too believe that a population plunge of some sort wouldnt be the worst thing for our world.. i don't think that I want it too be a plague though. and i'm pretty sure we are in an ice age right now. So an increase in temperature isn't so abnormal.
  4. IMO upgrades dont add to the price... much.. just makes it a better seller. and you can keep a firmer price.. plus dealrers have to leave haggle room. noone should ever buy a bike or car for sticker price...
  5. what about flying into Cleveland... They might have a little later flight although you would be driving more...
  6. I had a similar thing happen years ago i was wearing a leather jacket jeans boots gaunlet style glove a full face helmet and was riding with my visor up..I was with a buuddy of mine wearing shorts a cut off shirt tennis shoes. and sunglasses... the cop told e if i was going above 35 I needed eye protection.. I couldn't believe it..
  7. you are correct after a little google.. water wetter has no anti freeze ability.. engine ice does.. most tracks only allow water wetter.. if your a street rider it doesn't much matter.
  8. I believe that Water Wetter and Engine Ice are basically the same.. I use water wetter in mine.. runs quite a bit cooler it seems too. just be careful because i dont believe either one has anti freeze. or not much below freezing so make sure the bike is warm all winter or change it out for the winter...
  9. Thats going to look really sexy on the 675... makes me wish i had one even more.
  10. of all the review i read.. every one seems to like them except those used to very high quality tires like the Pilot powers.. EDIT: though i take reviews from common folk with a grain of salt... seems like a good alternative for those with a small wallet..
  11. From the track days I did i think it was three novice track days before moving up to intermediate. the class room stuff gets redundant but it allows you to move through the groups up to the fastest one before making the jump also talk with the instructors they will tell you if you are ready or not.. if I remember correctly they tend to wait till after lunch to move people up if its really needed otherwise they do like hailwood said and just let you go..
  12. I'll take one if its still open.. aj_clune@hotmail.com
  13. Thats actually pretty cool.. i don't think the GF would like having a rat in the house let alone.. running around. hahaha
  14. SOrry for your loss not lookign forward to that happening ever.. one quick question.. you said free roaming.. so you just let it hang out without a cage? does it go to the bathroom anywhere or somewhere specific?
  15. for track days they always told me 30 30.. but for street i ride 36 f 38 R. thats what my frame says... Edit 33 33 was the hot pressure they wanted... apparently it goes up 10% when hot..
  16. 20XXX on the 04 bought it in 07 with 24XX... Just folled over 21000 last night..
  17. scratch that did a high way run of about 150 miles.. got 44 MPG.. Ill take that..
  18. I get about 5000 miles out of my pilot powers...
  19. i have a SHift airbourne jacket.. its mesh with shoulder and elbow armor. also has a foam back protector that is easily switched out for a different better one. I also have the draggin shirt it made of 100% kevlar and seems llike it would hold up very well in a slide situation. have wore them together for added protection. adn it flows very well. also thought about getting some of the Icon armor to wear over just the draggin shirt on really hot days but havent got around to it yet..
  20. both my tickets from when i was not 21 yet were for 76 in a 55... no court for either... thats been 5 years ago or so.. laws might have changed but i doubt it..
  21. I actually dont think that it looks that bad.. different strokes for different folks but if i had enough money id pick a bike to drag out other than a busa too. i hate busas. they are ugly id start with a bike i like first..
  22. and with the garage on what seems like a decent piece of land for the dog to run.
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