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Everything posted by vroddave

  1. Hey man that is a very nice house. i love the master bath. nice. good luck with it. glad to hear that you both passed 2. sux is she is just better than you . j/k
  2. hey whats up. What are you and Julie doin tomorrow. I have a sweet deal on some Kings Island tix if ya want

  3. I have Kings Island tickets for sale. $23.00 each. i think i have about 4 maybe 6 left. These tickets are for Saturday the 12th only. this Saturday i know that its such a late notice. i will be there tomorrow. just call me and i can meet you there at the gate. Also a big heads up, Kings Island is closed to the public tomorrow. this is a company event some of my family ended up with extra tix. this is what they cost us. If you want them send me a pm.
  4. very glad to here that you are alive man. I hope and pray for ya.
  5. fuck im really laughin out loud . aint no bod ez gots them mad skillz lick me.
  6. Glad to see that your back in one piece. sore is good for ya. have a good day at work. lookin forward to seeing the pics you did take.
  7. my god man are they getting expensive. now i know that you guys don't think much of a harley. but those prices are getting really close.
  8. I was fine just really tired. we just laid around pretty much today. i didn't even leave the house until 6pm

  9. hey man wanna ride for a bit today call me if you wanna (740)277-9015

  10. vroddave

    ride on 9/2/09

    anybody wanna ride? i am available from about 10am. till 3 pm.
  11. whats goin on for tomorrow

  12. vroddave


    who gave neg rep. i never did
  13. vroddave


    hmmm is this closed
  14. vroddave


    you guyz take alot of shit seriously. almost 20,000 miles on a less than 2 yr old bike is kinda hard to believe. not saying that you don't Kwik. but i ride alot. ive had my bike for 2 yrs. and got it with 4,000 miles on it, and it now has almost 20,000. and i ride alot. my dad has had his bike for about 4 to 5 yrs and it has been to florida michigan, maine rolling thunder, and he is just now at about 37,000 miles. so I dunno. on a less than 2 yr old bike. I don't even put my bike up for the winter cuz i still ride it. Pic or it didn't happen. lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. hey get to work retard

  16. no its only 125 bucks. and yes 7 yrs is correct. you can get fingerprints done at most sheriff stations for 10 bucks
  17. good to hear man that your good.
  18. just get a florida ccw and you will be good to go. florida adds about 18 more states than if you carry ohio's alone and pennsylvaina is in there.
  19. vroddave


    can i lead him? if he can keep up.
  20. thats what most of the social groups were for. and I think they just went by the wayside. we was diggin it for a min.
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