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Everything posted by vroddave

  1. check out slo-n-go in the community ^ under suocial groups.
  2. that one guy with the blue one i don't know his screen name but jagr does and jagr is on the slo n go

  3. hey so you had fun today @ hood fest 09. wow glad i didn't miss a thing.

  4. hey man call me (740)277-9015

  5. noice. thats the new vrod motor right?
  6. that is the best hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. ewwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the train. hahaha
  8. with this damn homework she's got. she's drivin me up the frickin walls dammit
  9. thnk you I sent it to you I am trying to complete it it is due tomorrow and I am clueless
  10. Im going to emial you at your ar hosting email
  11. Hey Tom this is for my girl Sara. I introduced her to you @ the meet and greet @ the pig iron, I will email you my info of what I am doing and what I have so far can you tell me what I need to add...or what I am doing wrong
  12. can anyone help me with hardcosing a css webdesign, I oly need so pointers on what I am doing.
  13. i know i had a blast. it was very nice meeting everybody from coshoctown. will be waitin for the next one
  14. made it home awhile ago. something happend to my camera and didn't get any damn video
  15. Me and Skulls will definatley be there. kfc @ 10 am
  16. not comin. would love 2 but 2 bike nites and then a ride on saturday is enough with all you guyz. hahahaha j/k
  17. yeap. this is your weekend there EVIL TWIN
  18. welcome BusaHauty. You seem to be enjoying the lil leg humpers
  19. when i first started to carry it was unchambered. but i have realized a while ago that you should have it ready to go.
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