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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Federal deficit has actually gone down under Obama... FYI:cool:
  2. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=29180 Its closed, or i'd have bumped it
  3. LOL i see what's going on here
  4. I trust the admin and mods to make updates to the staff as needed.
  5. I just do it to bikes at the motorcycle show, the way ember's kickstand is angled, I think it might break if I tried it with her.
  6. Possibly, or maybe I'm quick enough... Also, aren't you a little beyond name calling? I mean we're not in grade school anymore, i did it once to point out the absurdity. You disagree with me, fine. But throwing in an unrelated insult at the end of a sentence is just so immature and adds nothing at all to the conversation.
  7. No, i'd probably stomp the gas pedal into the carpet, asshat
  8. In future, you may wish to address such rumours with a healthy dose of skepticism.
  9. Interesting...if true, i wonder which war mongering senator added such an amendment. What page of the 682 pages is the verbage you're describing?
  10. magley64


    What about rounds in a magazine (inserted into a handgun) or rounds contained within a revolver that are not lined up with the barrel?
  11. magley64


    Protests aren't really my bag, man.
  12. I don't know, I'm thinking I might be likely stomp the throttle. but it would depend upon the circumstances.
  13. magley64


    I did find that, but nothing on the circumstances I mentioned. Seems like the revolver might be the most dangerous in this circumstance though, just based on my understanding of the physics involved. even though it potentially carries fewer rounds.
  14. magley64


    i mean if nobody knows exactly what happens, that's okay too, I found 1 report of a gun firing repeatedly because of a fire, but nothing about what happens if the rounds go off in the magazine or revolver.
  15. magley64


    curiosity, I was also trying to find the autoignition temperature of the propellant, to figure out just how hot it would have to get for such a failure to occur.
  16. magley64


    I'm honestly curious, I don't know if it would blow the handle apart, launch the magazine out the bottom, or just burst all of the casings, leaving the firearm functional (once the debris was removed from the magazine). With regard to the revolver if it would deform, blow apart, or if they are designed to handle such a catastrophic failure.
  17. magley64


    Anyone know what the effect would be of a loaded handgun in a fire? Rounds are designed to go of in the chamber, what happens if they go off in the loaded and inserted magazine? What about a revolver? Just curious, can't seem to find any videos or anything demonstrating the effect.
  18. actual verbage from the treaty itself... the treaty reaffirms “the sovereign right of any State to regulate and control conventional arms exclusively within its territory, pursuant to its own legal or constitutional system.” clearly the UN is after your guns it's okay though, Iran and North Korea blocked it..
  19. It was sold as an entry to win a free game system, if I wanted to enter, i'd sign it if it was a petition to ban motorcycles. Petitions don't count for shit.
  20. Nails can be removed and/or replaced, dead can't be ressurected nor replaced. Should every person have the power to launch an air strike?
  21. I'd agree, religion was the justification, but not the cause of death, those were puncture wounds from swords and bullets.
  22. Aha! I think we've found the disconnect... I don't support the second amendment "because my party told me so". It's because I believe in rights, and I'm not a fan of completely revoking them in the interest of safety... limiting in some ways yes, completely revoking no. Do I honestly believe we'd be better off without them, as a society? Yes. I also believe we'd be better off without religion, but that doesn't mean I don't support that part of the first amendment. The biggest difference is that someone can't kill me with their religion... but as I've said, I'm not really worried about anyone killing me with their guns either. I represent myself, I'm not a party puppet, I'm not even sure what party I should support (if any).
  23. should help, but might not... I just blow through lights that haven't changed in a timely manner, treat them like stop signs.
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