So you don't think they'll just let the dogs fuck until someone does want to pay for a puppy?If we were talking about a regular commodity that cost money in materials to produce, and didn't have a shelf life, sure, why generate more inventory, but puppies are only puppies for a limited time, and the raw materials to make a puppy aren't exactly in limited supply.
So if those 5 people who bought puppies instead got them from the apl, those 5 unsold puppies wouldn't end up in the apl in their place?If it's a zero sum game that litter has to go somewhere, maybe people who buy from breeders are saving puppies BEFORE they get to the shelter.
If you're fishing, fish, it's bullshit but whatever. Once you've dropped your line in the water and get nothing, you try again, you don't eat the worm.Once he realized she was clean, he should have cut her loose, not started a fight with her.