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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Missed votes should result in docked pay, miss more than 7 votes, you're fired. Simple. If you're fired, you forfeit your pension.
  2. Agree with ip and others, this is dumb.
  3. More people watched the women's world cup than nearly any other sporting event, aside from the superbowl.
  4. I dunno if flashing your high beams at cars planning to turn in front of you is a good idea. They might take that as a signal to go ahead.
  5. https://youtu.be/CGrasobHcKA
  6. It's not a katana, so he should be safe in Coshocton.
  7. I got hassled in my cheap cars, but never bothered in the camaro or the caddys.
  8. You could take your permit test and then sign up for the msf course, get your endorsement then go bike shopping.
  9. Want want want, but I already got a mower that does the job... drat can't justify it.
  10. I concur with motocat, this rig isn't quite stable, for 1, when he was "tightening" the top bar, he was actually loosening one end. And relying on friction to keep those feet parallel strikes me as a bad idea, get 1 more bar the same length as the center bar, exchange the end caps for elbows, and you're damn sure your feet stay parallel.
  11. My second cousin is selling a Suzuki ds80 in ravenna
  12. You're always invisible, glad you're still with us.
  13. There were so many other fatal shots fired into the car with the 2 unarmed people that it was inconsequential that you jumped on the hood Rambo style in complete disregard for protocol.
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