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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Not compatible with my old ass system.
  2. Gotta see if it's compatible with my media computer. If it is i'm in.
  3. I like this alot. http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html?m=1
  4. Yeah, you made it clear. I was just articulating my position.
  5. Charged, not convicted. Waiting for the conclusion of his due process before commenting further.
  6. I'm using a cub low boy 154 with a 60 belly mower.
  7. Is obstructing an intersection necessarily the same as being "at fault" or causing a traffic collision?
  8. Car shares maybe 10% of the blame. Bike mostly at fault for trying to thread the needle at speed.
  9. So why do you support radios in cars? And how the hell are ear plugs distracting? It's literally a foam plug that protects your hearing from wind noise... You can still hear emergency vehicles just fine.
  10. I've seen it enforced plenty on drivers in cars wearing headphones.
  11. I go without plugs for short rides with lots of stop and go. I wear them on long rides down the freeway. I feel better on long rides with them in. If you put them in correctly, they don't fall out.
  12. Never cited. Been pulled over plenty of times.
  13. Yeah if it sounds like a tambourine on your clutch case, a checkup is in order.
  14. When mine needed replaced it engaged unevenly. Half of what used to be the friction point did nothing, and the second half engaged HARD.
  15. I prefer the blackbird to the viffer. Same capability, just way more powerful.
  16. Idk man, I have fun on 2 wheels whether it's a cruiser, a ujm, a hypersport, or a scooter. I love the acceleration of the cbr, and the way I can throw it through a corner, but I also really enjoy zipping through town on the scooter waving to everyone like an idiot and getting giggles and waves in return.
  17. Blackbirds are comfy, quick, bulletproof, and if you can find one, super cheap for what you get. Just my $.02
  18. The big monopoly isp's are pissed while content providers are happy. I think this is the most telling point of this whole debate.
  19. I like it, not worth what they will want for it, and I bet it's noisy as hell.
  20. I like the gtl cause it's got full luggage and comfort for passenger, but it all comes off for when I just wanna zip somewhere.
  21. Does 01 count as vintage? I would love a new Beemer gtl.
  22. Rand paul is trying to be a diet version of his dad, the problem with that is the establishment republicans see him as still too kooky, and hardcore fans of his father see him as half hearted at best, and fraudulent at worst.
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