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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I've had good experiences and bad. One occasion I was barely outpacing traffic on the way out of the valley into Chester on 322. Pulled over, and the first thing out of his mouth was "if you'd have run, I wasn't gonna chase you" then proceeded to write me a ticket, once I signed my ticket, I politely informed him that was a shitty thing to say. Another incident I was really really moving (easily 120+), to eliminate a tailgater on route 11 north, and I saw a blue flash of light off to my right, and see a state police officer in my mirrors passing my former tailgater. I pull over and get my helmet off before he catches up. He walks up and asks me. "Do you know the speed you were traveling when you crossed route 90 back there?" I replied "not exactly, I was paying attention to traffic more than my speedometer at the time" he says "you were going FAST!! but here is the deal, I didn't have my radar on, and you pulled over before I could clock you, so the way I see it I can either let you go with a warning, or I can write you up for reckless op." I politely agreed, and he walked back to his cruiser. He comes back with a yellow slip and we chit chat about him wanting to get a fast bike, and what my bike was actually capable of. After another reminder to please slow down, he sends me on my way.
  2. I think that is exactly what this thread means.
  3. The police can use the hard shoulder, and even the soft shoulder to give chase if they so choose, so don't think you can't get pulled over for it.
  4. And it's back on Craigslist, you're bipolar on selling this thing, lol
  5. Oh I've had people try to retaliate once or twice, there may have been more but I'm usually so far ahead by the time they process what had happened that they don't have the opportunity.
  6. Delayed double post... srry
  7. Then you're just not trying... lol
  8. Pirelli angel is my favorite tire. Great tread life, sticky enough to hold my heavy ass bike to the road as far as I'm willing to push her.
  9. I just buy a new lead acid walmart every year or 2, less than $50, not worth the hassle of dedicating an outlet, plugging it in, etc. Old tech, but pretty reliable for a year or 2.
  10. Was the zx12 really that bad? My wife is perfectly comfy on the back of the cbr 1100xx for rides less that 6 hours. After 6 hours she gets antsy. one of her first rides with me was the rainy river ride with fonzie.
  11. I managed to put both work and personal email accounts on my one mobile device. It's a stupid excuse.
  12. They're all idiots, but after the ISIS/Iran session, Rubio strikes me as a low double digit IQ idiot.
  13. If I'm on the bike, you're going to need a corvette or something to tailgate me.
  14. I do it. Fuck 'em if they don't like it.
  15. My point was that she isn't a "nobody". If you're paying attention to politics, she's fairly prominent. She isn't Herman Cain.
  16. You do know she was secretary of state, right? Millennials might not remember her as first lady, but anyone paying attention to politics knows who the secretary of state is.
  17. Yawn. His dad I liked, rand strikes me as a poor replacement.
  18. Aluminum plate and a vice wouldn't give you a better result? Looks functional though
  19. Ape hangers are fun for short trips, my hands went numb after a couple hours though.
  20. I developed a urethane gel coat for wind energy and I've done quite a bit of compression molding. If you can stretch fleece into the shape you want, you can saturate it with activated polyester and let it cure.
  21. Gizmoduck! Or as he's known in Japan "roboduck"
  22. It's not the Washington post. look at the extension .com.cohttp://washingtonpost.com.co/
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