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Everything posted by magley64

  1. You'll never be in a situation where it will make a damn bit of difference.
  2. I got a big flat rectangular plot, 4 big maples out front, one off the side of the house. Slap the hydrostatic drive lock in full speed, throttle up to 100%, pop the magnetic deck drive, and an hour later I'm done. 25 horse, 50" deck
  3. I've had plenty of positive encounters with police. (In fact, most) but there is a police brutality problem, and it needs to be addressed if the public is to continue trusting this group of public servants with the power they wield.
  4. My tracks adjust, allows me to adjust height by angle.
  5. I think this is all overkill for 2 acres and Columbus snow. I got a used 25 horse 50" mower for a few hundred and it knocks out my 3+1/2 acres in about an hour. I bought a little 5 horse craftsman snow blower with tank tracks for less than 100, It knocks out my horse shoe driveway in 45 mins with a foot or so of accumulation.
  6. How about a more stringent driver's exam for everyone every renewal? There are plenty of shitty drivers in every age group.
  7. I'm similar, my doors are always sliding forward. Lol I near tiptoe the right peg when a significant loss of speed isn't immediately impending.
  8. The good Realtors were there giving good advice. Then you got slimy real estate agents like asa Cox who promise $100,000 homes for zero down and 300 a month, and her clients are 95% in foreclosure...
  9. *They're And no, they're not. As I stated, my mother was a realtor, as are several friends.
  10. That's fine, but in a realtor's office, all the Realtors are looking, and they've all taken oaths to uphold specific ethical standards.
  11. If you're dealing with slimy real estate agents maybe, Realtors have higher ethical standards. My mom was a realtor.
  12. The listing agency has a contract for 7%, why would they accept less?The listing agent gets a couple, the listing agency gets some, and the buyers agent gets a little. But there is no reason the listing agency would give any back if the offer was for less.
  13. As stated before, as a buyer it costs nothing, the seller has already agreed to pay when they listed with the agent. The only exception is if you find a fsbo home, in which case you're not going to ask a Realtor to show you this home because they would get no commission.
  14. Realtor really should at least assign you another realtor from their own agency, too much of a conflict of interest playing both roles.
  15. just reread some of the orc, keeps mentioning things like frame rails... seems outdated.
  16. Iirc there are "bumper" laws for cars in Ohio, states your bumper must be within a certain range of height from the ground. I seem to also remember trucks being exempt.
  17. Get a Realtor, they have higher ethical standards than real estate agents.
  18. I could build one of these with a fuel tank back pack.
  19. I popped an 18 tooth up front on my xx, made first gear more functional, and had the added benefit of making my speedo more accurate.
  20. Enjoy camping without tv?
  21. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/9Pq8e57O4zk/maxresdefault.jpg
  22. How about an antenna vs cable "sensitivity" setting in the menu?
  23. Xbone, has app support for all the major services, and if you get kinekt, it is as simple as asking it to play whatever you want.
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