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Everything posted by magley64

  1. magley64

    Career Path

    can't hurt if that's the direction you want to go...
  2. i think it's well written JRM...
  3. my position simplified... you can't walk anywhere without tripping over a pile of guns (figuratively not literally) The national obsession with guns means ANYONE can go to a gun show and buy virtually any gun same day...is that a good thing? decide for yourself...
  4. I've pretty much gotten over that whole case for now, let zim stand trial see if his "story" holds up to scrutiny... still sucks that we only get to hear one side of the story.
  5. wb exarch, try to stick to the rules this time, you're entertaining as hell
  6. I'm not afraid of guns, I'm not afraid of knives, I'm not afraid of you... It's not fear that drives my position, it's understanding what a gun is designed to do. maybe you live in a war zone, fine... maybe you can convince yourself that "target practice" isn't just sharpening your skills to shoot people later on... whatever. The problem that you are a part of is this country's preoccupation with guns... simple... Like I said, I'm not here to tell you that we need new laws, I'm not here to tell you that there will never be an occasion where you will be justified to shoot someone. My point is simple, because guns are abundant and accepted (and even worshipped in this society) the byproduct will always be more guns for everyone, even those that shouldn't have them.
  7. None of us are in charge of gun laws, so either you carry or you don't. Frankly, I couldn't care less either way... Exercise your 2nd amendment rights, but don't pretend you're not part of the problem.
  8. let's also remember illegal and difficult are 2 different things... lots of people speed, it's illegal but easy, not a lot of people steal money out of bank vaults...it's also illegal, but difficult.
  9. magley64

    Mj usa

    you're his friend, ask him... then report back his side...
  10. bat gun? stolen and black markey guns are NOT the guns used in crimes by and large... but AGAIN, I'm not proposing outlawing guns... So go have fun burning that straw man down and come back to discuss my ACTUAL position...that this obsession with guns that many people have simplifies the process for obtaining them for everyone... What use does a gun have other than to harm or intimidate via the threat of harm?
  11. THIS!!!!!!!! This is what I've been talking about the whole freaking time... Change the culture, drop the gun obsession. Don't outlaw them, abandon them.
  12. Any of various marine cephalopod mollusks of the genus Loligo and related genera, having a usually elongated body, ten arms surrounding the mouth, a vestigial internal shell, and a pair of triangular or rounded fins.
  13. magley64

    Mj usa

    I think the "burn it down" comments were just hyperbole. As angry as the OP may be with the business, I don't believe anyone here is actually proposing arson. undoubtedly, based on this thread I might seriously consider taking my business elsewhere, but I personally had no dog in this show as I live nowhere near this business, and don't have anything offroad that I don't just work on myself.
  14. Mine is small and easy to conceal, but it packs a heck of a punch...
  15. I was just curious, i can't imagine that would be something that would come naturally or a scenario one might practice. as for me I've already said, kick the shifter 3 times and disappear in the horizon, I don't have time or patience for regular run of the mill assholes on the road, let alone giant ones like this guy.
  16. any ride and shoot practice? are you any good left handed? Is your holster left hand accessible?
  17. I was in a situation somewhat similar. I passed a Motorist, he felt I wasn't entitled to a lane, swerved at me and tried to ram me. at the time I was new to my bike, and wasn't near as comfortable with speeding as I am today. I rocked the brakes and followed him. He did notice me following, and tried to brake check, and egg me on. I followed him down the freeway, and eventually observed a highway patrolman parked in the center median scoping for speeders. I pulled over, informed him of the situation, and gave him the license plate (prncs something, i don't remember it now). he told me he'd look into it, pulled out and headed in that direction. I never cought up to him again, so I don't know if anything came of it, but with a little luck you can provide chase and inform authorities without any fancy gear.
  18. not like the motorist did either huh? The bikes were wrong for screwing with the guy, the guy was definitely wrong for ramming the bikes... I'm not going to be so bold as to assume who started what, but like others have said, either party could've handled it better with a level head.
  19. I wish i were a ballerina, I don't have the coordination... Depends on how much value he is adding... I may or may not, depending on what is being produced, and how difficult it is to produce. in some cases, yes...in other cases, no... but let's continue...
  20. LOL, more like 80 for you eh bud? I think moms 150 scooter gets something like 75 miles to a tank, and it isn't quite a gallon.
  21. "The first time I was rick rolled, it was by a girl... I thought she was sending me a love song..."
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