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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I assume because it cost too much, and nobody wanted to pay for it...
  2. right, so now we're back to Z's defense...hooray!
  3. well that seems open and shut, zimmerman's gun, zimmerman's bullet, martin dead... slam dunk
  4. Hypnotoad for president..
  5. I'd say it's an easy choice then, keep your bike and enjoy it... If you continue to baby it as you have, it might be worth a pretty penny one day as a collector bike.
  6. The market dictates the price... Sell if you need the money, or just save the 2000 you're probably gonna get out of it and keep it.
  7. I've never itemized a charitable donation, I don't feel it's the government's job to donate to my charities.
  8. Clearly I'm not gullible enough.
  9. well, at least you've acknowledged that you've armchair judged them based on media reports. I've got nothing else...
  10. Zimmerman Shot and fatally wounded 1 unarmed human being. Reason: unknown (supposedly self defense that has yet to be proven.) Holmes Shot and fatally wounded 12 unarmed human beings, shot and wounded several others Reason: unknown (supposedly mental incompetence, yet to be proven.) Other than the body count, until the trials are held, and the jury supplies a verdict, what is the difference?
  11. No, I don't believe holmes was defending himself, but I don't automatically believe Zimmerman was either... he's got to prove that, otherwise he just murdered some guy in cold blood because he didn't like the way he looked (whether it be because of how he was dressed, the color of his skin, or the way he was walking... or some combination) but being surprised/angry that an alleged murderer has supporters when you yourself have professed support for another alleged murderer is kind of odd to me...
  12. maybe holmes was defending himself?
  13. that's kinda my point, there weren't all those people around when Z shot M, and the only word you have to go on is the word of the killer... Now can you tell me why you seem more apt to support the killer in one scenario, and find the killer in the other scenario abhorrent?
  14. Yep, born in the city for which the county was named, 28 years and almost 1 month ago... What makes me strange and bizarre?
  15. welcome, glad we could help you get pointed in the right direction with a quality shop.
  16. If it weren't for all the witnesses, how would you know that? You'd have to take the word of an alleged murderer because he had some cuts on his head that may or may not have shown up before a shot was fired. no matter, you get my point.
  17. HBD Hulk man... Now go git them street racers
  18. too soon? I find it odd, that it's not the actions of the few idiots to show support for this alleged mass murderer That are the problem, but rather the timing that you find abhorrent... so It would be cool if they would just wait a week or 2? how long before they say "go holmes" before it stops pissing you off?
  19. Oh yeah, Neo-nazi's are out there for sure.... the reason it's news is simply because that's the lightning rod news story of the hour, and everyone is trying to cover every possible angle, and elicit every possible emotional response so you'll keep watching.
  20. I think it's stupid, but hey, I'm not king of the world. People are brutal, and if they choose to air their brutality without breaking any laws, endangering me, or affecting my life in any meaningful way, let them.
  21. it's not anything new, Zimmerman has plenty of supporters... Honestly, no, people have shown support for murderers since the beginning of time.
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