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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17lkdqoLt44
  2. magley64

    Mj usa

    still sucks (that your stuff got jacked), but WAY better than before...
  3. No...you misunderstand me... It's about adding value, not how you do it. I'm a Mechanical engineer, I add value through my understanding of physics, technology and integration. Specifically with my input on designs, processes, or systems based on that understanding. Improving a product from concept and development to make it more valuable, easier to manufacture, quicker to assemble, cheaper to produce, longer lasting, or any combination of those(including others). I also add value by streamlining processes, reducing labor costs, automating, or otherwise making the manufacturing process better. The final way I add value is through integration. Making processes smarter by linking them with other processes to reduce unnecessary costs involved with storage, logistics, and wasted transportation.
  4. I'm not disregarding education, training or skill... What I'm concerned with is the addition of value, and the disproportionate income of those that DO add value vs. those that just manage the people who are actually doing the work. Or like Mitt Romney, earning millions by stealing it from the pockets of workers who put the work in to earn it.
  5. Looks like you took care of it. I'm looking for a 250 scoot, but I need to buy a house first.. GLWS
  6. been a while, but it doesn't make the word UZI any less scary...
  7. yeah, first sign of stupidity, I'm kicking the shifter 3 times and that car disappears in my mirrors...
  8. I think "AK-47", in this case, is a general term used for assault rifles, like "kleenex" for facial tissue, or "coke" for any sugary brown carbonated liquid in the south.. The exact model or make is not the relevant issue. I don't think he will see much in the way of political backlash since he isn't proposing any new legislation on the issue, just a better enforcement of the current legislation. Hell, Bill O'Reilly is proposing new regulations on gun laws more than Barack Obama is...go figure that one out.
  9. This is the funniest thing I've heard all day... Police: you're free to go, now leave Man: Police: Okay, then uhh stay...? Man: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/man-refuses-leave-jail-cited-trespassing-sent-back-012803064.html
  10. :repost: http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=95583
  11. no handle bar risers, use your core and legs to support your upper body, not your arms... congrats
  12. Too many millionaires ans billionaires just don't know what it means to to an honest days worth of real physical work... Then they come out and tell you how hard they worked for their money, and how they've created so much... riiight... It's a pretty simple analogy in my mind.. Working class: pedestrians, at any time they stop "working" they stop advancing... Small business owners: bicyclists, if they stop putting effort into their business, their business slows down, and eventually stops, but they get a lot further and travel a lot faster than pedestrians for the amount of work they put in. Medium business owners, ceos, cfos upper management: motorcyclists: not a lot of work, just basically picking the right direction, keeping aware of what's going on, and nudging the controls here and there to get where you are going, much faster than a bicycle or walking... Big business / born rich: chauffered, hire a decent driver, tell him where you want to go, take a nap.
  13. riiight... because i have an opinion on how difficult or strenuous a job is, automatically i'm in charge of what pays what...
  14. no guarantee, no... but it would make sense that the ones who havent introduced new fees would see a surge in their number of accounts and want to keep it that way...
  15. Easy compared to say, a miner, or a smelter, or a blacksmith, or a logger.. yes now those jobs definitely require a certain skill level, education, or vision...but they aren't strenuous...
  16. by the strictest sense of the word, sure... does it qualify? ehh not really... feel free to come up with an example that changes my mind. the hardest working people in this country get paid the least...
  17. yup, if you call being an investor and CEO a "job", but then if being an investor is a job then being a politician is just as worthy Has he ever broken a sweat in the process of earning money? I doubt it...
  18. Just noticed the headline in the paper, (and laughed hysterically) and tried to find a relevant thread to post in, rather than constantly filling up the politics section with more threads. seemed like a good scenario, covering things up so you can leak them yourself...
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