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Everything posted by magley64

  1. arrived today, put it on as soon as i got it.
  2. When i read the title, I was thinking "the onion is getting rediculous" but it wasn't the onion.. this is the actual tea party president, the real one...and he ACTUALLY said this... you don't think that's just a tinge of absolutely effing insane? and feel free to use OMG, as a common use figure of speech. Or dont... I still use it from time to time.
  3. Tea Party is at it again... http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/07/20/top-tea-partier-demands-obama-prove-he-doesnt-smoke-crack-and-have-gay-sex/ REALLY?
  4. maybe campuses get shot up because there are more assholes worth shooting there, rather tha lack of security... (like how banks get robbed more often than day care centers because there is more money there)
  5. i figured it was an autocorrect fail, just thought it was funny
  6. I know I never leave home without my clorides on a side note, the thought of "everyone carrying" isn't a deterrant for most of the people who are going on shooting sprees. They are either out of their mind or suicidal in most of the cases anyway, logical probabilities don't come into play, they arent trying to "get away with it"
  7. Probably a more accurate word in context, thank you... Guess I should've said the contradiction could not be rectified...
  8. Only if we can stop off in tatooine on the way.
  9. Correction: faith is the suspension of reason replaced with blind willful ignorance. It doesn't matter to me, but logically, free will is incompatible with "god's plan" as is prayer... If there really is a god, and it really has a plan, sit back and enjoy the movie, as clearly you are powerless to change an omnipotent god's clearly laid out plan.. If you insist that you have free will, use it to make the best decisions you can, make your own fate and leave god's plan in fairy tales where they belong.
  10. Pascal's wager, thinly veiled... Worst case scenario is that there is a god, but its not the one you pray to... then you'll go to that god's version of hell... then what?
  11. You tell me, was it gods plan or was it free will? if you subscribe to 1, the other means nothing... I don't pretend to subscribe to the sky fairy, I'm a soft determinist, and subscribe to certain levels of free will.
  12. This is "directly" contradictory to the statement "this was god's plan" If god planned for Z to kill M, then Z's free will meant nothing, if god DIDN'T plan for Z to kill M, then god's plan meant nothing... the 2 cannot be rectified.
  13. Tell that to all those babies born with aids... "God wants you to be sick and die a painful death"
  14. Please rectify "this was god's plan" and "god made me do it" How are they different?
  15. I was just thinking, "what kind of suits did they wear on the amazing race"?
  16. I had to cause a crash into pavement to avoid (an otherwise easily avoidable) crash into steel...?
  17. I know a certain typing cat that rides a harley, he might surprise you with his dragon slaying abilities...
  18. definitely not! blinker fluid is only for turn signals... unless you want the road in front of you to look like a disco...
  19. that's been posted in a couple different threads before... what they don't offer for bikes is the nut that connects the seat to the handlebars...
  20. I gotta say, I've heard nothing but positives about Ryan's business... and if you buy new for a little more than you would've paid used, you got tires that will last part of next season as well
  21. :dunno:Doesn't look broken to me...my leg twists that way, I think the jeans make it look worse.
  22. thought no surprises once i saw the first pic, but then the third guy rolls in from the right side... Gotta imagine at those speeds you should've had time to brake rather than "roll it over to keep from crashing"...
  23. Z: "Sorry your son is dead, but I don't regret killing him, God made me do it" G: "No I didn't, I was busy that day giving cancer to children"
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