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Everything posted by magley64

  1. my passenger and I both wear our gear...
  2. eww gel seat, like sitting on a dirty diaper...
  3. i'm a heroine addict... i have to have sex with women who save people's lives
  4. ...yes this happened on the border of new mexico and arizona... bike was on kickstand, massive burst of wind knocked it right over opposite the stand side. also, oklahoma has "wind" in it's song for a reason... the wind sucks
  5. chicago, boston, europe, asia, america... "where the fuck is this?" tour
  6. corbin GFL on my XX, took it to LA and back, as well as Georgia and back and several 16 hour daytrips, no butt pain... well at least not from my bike seat, fonzie and sam are another story...
  7. is there an app for that? ivagina?
  8. When riding 1-up on roads I know, and no adverse weather, I usually hit 15-20 over on the speed limit, hit corners at 15-20 over suggested speed limit. when riding with a passenger, or solo on unfamiliar roads, I cut it back to 10 adverse weather usually puts me within speed limits, and suggested speeds. of course there are the occasional blasts on open straightaways or freeways where criminal speeding may or may not be involved, lol.
  9. i love tacko's, but i don't have breasts
  10. interested, but don't have the cash... glws
  11. yeah, what a piece of junk...doesn't even have a depressed gas tank, or a hole in the passenger seat... how are you supposed to do circles and spreaders?
  12. ^^ this... after the break-in they are supposed to be effing missiles
  13. at least you're not talking about dropping the 14 for a shiddy vrod anymore...
  14. not opposed to this, looks like it'll be kinda chilly anyway
  15. send him a fake check for 3 roombas then send over a "courier" to pick up the cash once the 3 roomba check arrives and have him give your "courier" a spare roomba and allow him to keep the 2nd roomba as payment for hassle.
  16. interested, but don't have that kind of coin for a car unit at this time, glws
  17. He usually does a great job, but I don't ever think he's super excited to do it.
  18. I hate your guts Ftr, I got no personal issues with the OP other than the whining and namecalling that erupted, seems like an alright dude that may have been having an off day *shrug*. I guess we'll see what happens, maybe he needed a break from ordn anyway.
  19. Lol, you get negative points for posting in old threads? vbulletin is getting weirder and weirder...
  20. might want to edit OP with details and ask someone to add it to the calendar...
  21. If the banhammer falls, you probably deserved it.... The mods/admin here are extremely flexible with the site rules. You have to basically be willingly breaking them consistently to get tossed, carry on...
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