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Everything posted by magley64

  1. agreed. 1, 4, and 5 were the best of the bunch.
  2. sequence of movies so far... 1, 2, 4, 5, 3? fun movie, very forgettable though. kinda like ocean's 12
  3. I hated the F.A.P. and the speed kinda sucked anyway. Not to mention expensive as hell... I just now got a rudamentary dsl running through 3 smart coils. Way happier with this than I was with hughes.
  4. this is about a half hour from me...and some of my co-workers live literally across the street.
  5. ooh, then you'd have loved (or hated) my second car. 67 with amber headlights, raked with 235's on the back, and a 6.6 under the hood. 3" spring spacer on back along with air shocks that were always under full pressure. "if you can't manage to stop, smile as you go under." edit: very similar to this one, just more dramatic/aggressive, larger rear tires, etc...
  6. I'm 99% sure the lateral float he's referring to will not come anywhere near popping a chain.
  7. see, there we will disagree. I think, given the circumstances, he has done a good job, not perfect, but good. I shudder to imagine what would have happened if the housing bubble burst under bush.
  8. umm, bush inherited a growing economy, and a tax code with a balanced budget.... then quickly turned the economy to shit, and burned a ton of money on iraq.
  9. kinda like a real life version of this...
  10. he says it himself every time he speaks... "I am fantastically successful":rolleyes:
  11. looks in good shape for a man who's only ran once...
  12. i'll say this much, if i were going to vote for a republican, it would be ron...(so far) I'm pretty sure I'm still voting for Obama though. While Idealogically, I'm a conservative, the reality is that we already have a socialistic form of capitolism in this country, and neither side has the balls to kill the programs that need killing. (medicare, medicaid, social security). the dems just do a better job of managing the socialism that we already have. (and can't get rid of)
  13. i actually prefer a severely raked look, putting the rear bumper at chest height.
  14. idk, it's not like you're destroying the car, it's easy to put stock suspension back on and stock wheels, so let them have their big ass wheels... i kinda like the look
  15. not yet, i'm 16 hours behind on my daily show/colbert. i watch it when i get home from work. but yeah, kinda like how it's impossible to tell a fundamentalist christian from a fundamentalist christian parody...
  16. in this case, he definitely should have been checking his mirrors... nobody follows me that close on the bike... period i like to think i'd have been between the white truck and that black/dark blue car.
  17. magley64

    donald trump

    so who thinks he has a shot? who thinks he's not a factor at all? who thinks he'll split the repub vote enough to give obama a re-election on a silver platter? how many of the other candidates are so savvy with money that they managed to bankrupt a casino?
  18. This is why we must always ride like we are invisible... most of the time, it's the truth. Keep aware of your surroundings at all times. If this is the same guy from the today show this morning, his fiancee made him quit riding, gave him the old "it's me or the bike" ultimatum. My answer to any female who gives me that shit.... seeya! Riding is more important than your ultimatums.
  19. welcome, from a county northeast. I'm looking fwd to some good rides with lost this year again.
  20. yes, very feminine.... just calling a spade a spade... j/k rockit
  21. i'd be on this if you weren't so damn far away, lol
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