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Everything posted by magley64

  1. BULLSHIT get your bullshit here, swingset is serving it up...
  2. now it's suspended, and may be "back on"
  3. yeah, used the cancellation to blackmail imam rauf to move the islamic community center... will the stupid fuckers on the news quit saying eman?
  4. ...means "struggle" not the western misenterpretation of "holy war" If you want a holy war you need to look at the crusades. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jihad
  5. Maybe glenn beck thinks he's Noah Gardner (a character from his work of fiction "the overton window")
  6. this works, but make sure you get all the bibles, torahs, tanakhs, all the sutras, shashtras, sedas, and spanishads, too don't want to leave any religious texts to be "misenterpreted"
  7. this...^^ at least with a speed bump if you try to hit it at speed you're going to notice.
  8. Man, there are more glenn beck supporters on this forum than I had anticipated... But, I suppose with a forum of over 2000 members, there are bound to be a few nutballs.
  9. awesome possum... glad to see you got it worked out.
  10. His net worth is nil compared to what bernie madoff made... Making money =/= quality of content, or quality of character... or much else for that matter. And as far as "entertainers" are concerned, diddy or will smith have blown becks net worth in a weekend.
  11. Terry Jones "this is not a publicity stunt" HA!
  12. too early to tell if I'll be there.
  13. i wonder what percentage of the qu'ran burners will be kkk.
  14. their anger stems from us fucking with their country
  15. they have a website, check them out from their own words http://www.newblackpanther.org/
  16. not exactly... they used islam as their "justification"... their "anger" was the cause... understand the difference?
  17. KKK members believe they are doing gods work because all non-whites are condemned to hell.
  18. everything the KKK does they do in the name of christ, but you call them the KKK not radical christians.
  19. is this tonight? or friday?
  20. be clear, you're talking Al-Qaeda... "radical muslim" doesn't cut it... the reason we have this rampant islamophobia, is because the press does a shit job of clarifying.
  21. pay attention, they have..... OVER AND OVER AND OVER http://islam.about.com/cs/currentevents/a/9_11statements.htm
  22. I think the press is severely overestimating the "crazy" side... there is no "civil war" within the religion, unless you also think there is a "civil war" within christianity between the normal christians who want to go to church, and be like jesus, and the crazies who blow up abortion clinics, those who hang black people, and burn crosses, and molest children. these people may do these things "in the name of their religion" but their religion isn't the most defining thing about them. they don't hang black people and blow up abortion clinincs cause they are protestant, they do it because they are KKK members and racists. they don't molest children because they are catholic, or priests, they do it because they are sexually repressed, and perverts. they don't fly planes into buildings because they are muslim, they do it because they are suicide bombers, and Al-Qaeda members. see the connection? the religion isn't the reason, even though they may use it as their excuse. As much as I think religion is retarded, I think we have to be clear about these distinctions.
  23. LOL, I had to google that, I didn't know what you were talking about.
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