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Everything posted by magley64

  1. yeah! save time, burn a billion copies at once...
  2. I'm gonna pull a glenn beck... remember another group of people who burned religious books? NAZI'S! Rev. Jones kinda looks like hitler, too
  3. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100908/ap_on_re_us/quran_burning
  4. how about you watch his show one day, and watch him contradict himself?
  5. not JUST race card, gender card, income card, socio-economic cards to boot.
  6. yeah, founding principals! Rights and priveledges only for white male land owners. Displacement of native people and their culture!
  7. sure... health care is the most obvious choice http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-august-13-2009/glenn-beck-s-operation watch the show, just the last episode I watched he went on and on about faith, we need to restore faith or the world will end. Within 10 minutes he was going on and on about how he's best friends with penn jilette, one of the smartest people he knows. when the economy was collapsing back in 07 he said "we must do something or we will hit rock bottom and have another great depression" now he's claiming that he meant "we need a great depression to reset the system"
  8. I got the same headlights on the dune bug...except chrome...
  9. I got speakers on my bars. Loud enough to hear through full face shoei up to around 90 mph V 1.0: speaker Crash Bars (not too useful in a crash) kind of difficult to hear past 60 mph V 2.0: on the handlebars, much better volume, less obvious, better protected.
  10. If you were up here i'd just invite u over and help u out w/it
  11. Cut a circle, drill and tap some tabs, drill a couple holes, you're golden
  12. but if you CAN fly, why the hell would you drive? it's like a goose walking south for the winter, why?
  13. I think that it's the closest approximation you can get in modern society. they designed the government to handle a population of 5-6 million people, currently we have more than 300 million people. this worked out to about 100,000 people per represenative in the government, now we're at a saturation of 5 times that, half a million per represenative.
  14. why a flying car? don't they have perfectly good helicopters already? cars are for traveling across land, aircraft are for traveling in the air.
  15. i guess i can kinda see that, but I view the government as a body that is designed to maintain your bill of rights. that's why the government is there, it's taken on further roles in our society, but it's MAIN role is to maintain, and defend the constitution. I'm happy (for the most part) with how that is handled. Sure there are things i disagree with, but nothing to the point where i want to tell the US government to fuck off.
  16. I disagree. The bill of rights is the heart of the us government.
  17. flown in same spirit... "fuck you US government"
  18. HAHA! glenn beck is a joke, he contradicts himself almost as often as he lays chalk.
  19. don't really believe that this is the case... I think there are just a myriad of psychos who are tea party members. for example, sometimes it's impossible to distingush between a hardcore fundmanetalist, and a hardcore fundamentalist satirist. I believe that 90% of the people who claim to be tea partiers are really tea partiers, the satirists are few and far between.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjCdznA4sgY&feature=related
  21. jesus, why do you pay so much for insurance? mine is like $100 a year, and i have a shitty driving record. As far as the question, it's up to you, I know i'd be bored to shit with a "performance car" after riding my motorcycle. (unless it was something serious like a Z06, or lotus, even then I'd probably rather have my bike)
  22. here's my logic... want to be patriotic? Fly this. This is the flag of an ENEMY of the united states the gadsden flag is flown in the same spirit as the confederate flag. It's equally stupid... you have every right to fly whatever flag you want, but IMO you're retarded.
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