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Everything posted by magley64

  1. will you quit putting pictures of me in here?
  2. i got a nice little 100 watt amp and waterproof speakers i hooked to my droid via bluetooth gateway. http://cgi.ebay.com/Waterproof-stereo-100W-Motorcycle-audio-chrome-speakers-/280552849008?pt=Car_Speakers&hash=item415240be70
  3. why do I only get 3 reps a day to give?
  4. I asked my friend this same question about his yamaha virago... the response I got was an angry: "their NOT tassels, they're fringes"
  5. I say ORDN, so i want my way to be the right way...
  6. I dunno if i'm making it... damn my bank account for being so empty...
  7. kinda cool, way underpowered, and ugly as sin... it's a 2 wheeled civic.
  8. Oh shit son, you made it to ORDN...
  9. I'm probably down, hoping that fonz and sam reconsider. saturday weather looks good so far
  10. ooh, says who the rep came from, no more phantom repping
  11. why does the hover script say "....... has no rep yet" even if they do?
  12. I'm out of rep to give.... guess i'll have to wait til tomorrow.
  13. Sheetz is easier to find, but point park is a better photo op... I'm down for either or.
  14. Wasn't the last one really a pickup?
  15. is severely misunderstood in the west... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jihad deja vu...
  16. radical christians aren't as bad? http://news.yahoo.com/s/atlantic/20100825/cm_atlantic/muslimcabdriverstabbingmosquemadnessblowback4818
  17. senior year in h/s screwing off in AP calculus...
  18. Watered down you mean? or objectified? I wonder how many christians have actually read the bible...percentage wise. I know a LOT of atheists, and the majority of us have read it (in it's entirety at least once, cover to cover to cover to cover).
  19. define victim.... are the families of those who died NOT victims of the tragedy?
  20. fact... Merry winter solstice everyone, jesus was born in the spring (read your buy bulls)
  21. black on beck http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JngI1_8beoA hahaha
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