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Everything posted by magley64

  1. magley64


    I tivo'd it so I could watch it with dad after he got home... be back to discuss later
  2. ehh, let mother nature have her last snow fit, we all know it isnt sticking around.
  3. magley64

    stupid cagers

    Happens to me all the time... My favorite occasion of this is when I looked up the road and seen a LEO at the next red light... I flipped my sheild up, blew the driver's g/f a kiss and revved the hell out of the bike like i was ricky racer.... light turned green he took off like a bat outta hell and was immediately pulled over, I rode by at the speed limit and beeped.
  4. ummm...NO this "pretty much everybody knows" line of argument holds ZERO water.... CITATION NEEDED!
  5. that doesn't look converted... but it would be easy to add a CV joint to clear any tire.
  6. Welcome, get some riding experience, and come hang out with us...
  7. magley64


    looks the same as that unicycle that's now turning into a transformer electric motorcycle. kinda boring
  8. It rained through most of oklahoma on my way to LA...and through most of missouri on my way home... didn't affect the ride much, I rain-X'ed the sheild, and a simple *look left, look right* at freeway speed cleared it just fine. I won't ride in the rain if it's going to rain the whole time, but I'm more than happy to endure some morning rain to make it to a nice ORND meet in cbus, which I've done on several occasions.
  9. go with the Official Tank Bag of the DTC™ the Rapid Transit recon/19 http://www.rapid-transit.com/rt/products.cfm?products_id=639
  10. magley64


    sorry casper, no more land speed records for you, you've been demoted to towing race bikes...
  11. Maybe not QUITE as much, but I have been known to caress the fuel tank. I really love my bike.
  12. damn I shoulda remembered it, fonzie kept posting it on here, and it made him real mad. "quit using my real name!"
  13. fact is, this hybrid healthcare bullsh*t we've had forever just sucks... either make the whole thing free market, or socialize it... make up my mind... option 1: if we're going to make it free market, then medicare/medicaid goes out the window, and so does the requirements for hospitals to treat you... now hospitals have to fight for your "business" by competing with one another. it'll work, sure there will be a few casualties, but it'd be efficient. option 2: the only other option is to socialize it further, and start putting some governemnt caps on bullshit. I don't necessarily trust the government to effectively cap bullshit, but it's worth a try to get some of this bullshit under control. the governemnt has elected to go with option 2... at least they are doing SOMETHING, instead of the constant back and forth "health care is f*cked up, what we gonna do about it? I dunno, lets debate our talking points again"
  14. ther is a clause in there that allows penalties (in the form of fines) for people who don't have a qualifying health coverage plan.
  15. headphones? is that what people WITHOUT massive speaker systems on their bikes use?
  16. I've been wanting to do it, and the doc I went to said it was guaranteed 20/20 or better or there was no charge. Also any "touch ups" would be free. My contacts are currently 6.5 on the left and 7.0 on the right.
  17. here is an example of some of the stuff you can do... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6IrGYb_oXw
  18. WELCOME! (ben, was this your kid in a past screen name?)
  19. barcode scanner is good for finding information on products quickly... hacking allows you to overclock, and basically customize anything you can imagine on the phone, live wallpapers, boot animations, icons, lock screen, multiple home screens...etc...
  20. steamy window, google goggles, google star map, droid light, google maps, google earth, barcode scanner, beyond pod, color note, tube downloader, speed test... the rest of my stuff requires root, and if you're considering hacking it, I'd reccomend it... http://www.droidforums.net/forum/hacking-help/28436-complete-how-how-mod-your-phone-2-1-rom-o-c-mm-boot-animation-etc.html
  21. man, now I'm conflicted, the bike is a quicker/smoother/more reliable ride, but only a handful of members have seen the Party Animal so far...and it's a blast to be seen in... it'll be a day-of decision. the VW is an opposed 4, but it's louder than most twins.
  22. so there will be a ride after? If it was just going to be a M&G I was gonna bring the party animal, but if there is a ride after, I guess I'll bring Ember.
  23. Problem.... too many f*cking people! if you want to govern yourselves, or to have say in how the governemnt is run, you have to stay small. we've gotten HUGE, and as you get bigger you become less efficient.
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