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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I'll ride through anything if part/most of it is going to be enjoyable...
  2. .... NOTHING!!! Okay, my LA trip resulted in the smashing of one of my speakers on the arizona NM border, So I had this pair laying around the garage... Figured thaey aren't "that" much bigger, lets mount them up... Looks like shit, sounds like shit... being replaced asap...
  3. no price listed...price is right style? I bid $37 EDIT: my apologies if this came off as rude, I wasn't aware of the situation. Best of luck to your father, and his recovery.
  4. I let my narrow chicken strips shine...I know where my limits are, and where I'm comfortable riding, if something unexpected happens I might have a little more leeway if I need to lean it further than I anticipated, and I'm happy with that. If I'm not going fast enough for you, please feel free to come on by...you won't offend me.
  5. depends on how I'm feelin tomorrow... but I might rock it.
  6. here's one to get us started. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBTGgT_V5F8&feature=player_embedded feel free to submit your own
  7. I went into the local bike shop yesterday and asked for his price on a Pirelli Diablo Strada 180/55/17.... So he says "pirelli diablo what?" "strada" "I'm sorry, what was that?" so I slow down, as if speaking to a retard "Pirelli.... Diablo.... Stra-da, s-t-r-a-d-a" so he tells me that there is no such tire in his book...turns it around and shows me...no PDS I hate switching tires, but apparently the angel ST is supposed to replace it. Anyone have any experience with the Angel St? I can still get the PDS off ebay this season, but if the tire is being discontinued I'm going to have to change eventually.
  8. I used a suction cup mount on the tach of my bike (don't use the tach much anyways, and it was quick) stuck the whole way to LA and back through some crappy weather.
  9. How about just riding with people you trust? The DTC rides have been good for the most part. I only remember 1 major incident and a few minor ones, there is a little ball busting towards the front of the pack, but everyone can feel comfortable riding within their abilities knowing that everyone else will not leave them in the dust (for very long anyway.)
  10. Yep, I swas talking processor speed
  11. well it's HALF the speed of my droid...pretty substantial in my book. keep waiting if the hardware could handle it, why wouldn't it have shipped with it?
  12. lol...wut? they are virtually identical interfaces... unlock is a touch/drag gesture, works in landscape or portrait with multiple home screens that are touch/drag, has large icons that are clicked for the phone's functions and folders, lock button is top right in portrait mode... droid has a better camera, better processor, open source OS...etc (with the exception of a few "gestures" the only big difference is the droid has a tactile keyboard) if you're so inclined you can make a droid "act" almost identical to an iphone. the only reasons someone would choose an Iphone over a droid was if they were an apple nutswinger, they were prejuduced against Moto, or if ATT was a great network in their area. Droid > Iphone ...in every aspect I can think of.
  13. now u have to clean the cherry pepsi off my keyboard....
  14. the 3gs is almost as fast as a stock droid, and about half as fast as the fastest overclocked ones. Regrettably it's very difficult to overclock the iphone due to the proprietary kernel.
  15. I hate to disappoint nope, moto droid is still the flagship of the droid phones... second best is probably the nexus 1
  16. lol, u got the bogo droid... shoulda got the real thing.
  17. How about you all take care of your own damn children, and your own tards...LOL I've taken precautions against reproducing, why should I pay for your children?
  18. typically gas charged shocks don't have a valve on them, they are sealed... Air shocks can be filled with a typical compressor you would use on tires...(personally I'd leave it empty)
  19. You can get all the good advice in the world here and not have a clue how to impliment it, I second the trackday suggestion.
  20. good on you brian... I think we've enough, Luckily nobody got hurt, and the issue has been taken care of.
  21. suspected that... people don't realize just how short 5'1" really is...(my current g/f is 4'11") I might have to lower the twinstar to teach her to ride...
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