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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Moose linked the ones I use... They were easy to hook up, and are guaranteed waterproof. I had one fail due to water damage, (epic downpour) and they sent me a new one free (and fast). 100 watt amp works well enough that i can hear my ipod pretty clear with my full face helmet up to about 70 mph, beyond that the wind noise takes over... without a helmet or with a half helmet you can probably hear it pretty clear beyond that.
  2. merry christmas, and joyous yule!
  3. current dating is common era dating. BCE, and CE did you just take ONE DAY off or did you get like 2 weeks for all these end of year holidays like the most of the rest of us do?
  4. I'm surprised by the answers here... but whatever. I say happy holidays, christmas is just one of about 6 Major holidays being celebrated within the 2 week period in the middle of december. Happy holidays saves me time. otherwise, to include most everyone I have to say "happy Hanukkah, happy Kwanzaa, merry Winter Solstice, a joyous Yule, a bodacious Boxing Day, and a merry Christmas" Christmas is just a Hijacked name for Yule anyway, jesus was born in the summertime, (possibly late spring, or early autumn) shepherds didn't tend their flocks by night in winter.
  5. what he said... winter in ohio doesn't lend itself to motorcycle enjoyment. snowmobiles on the other hand...lol
  6. If i win a free t-shirt, i'll pimp it at the ohio motorcycle show in cleveland... (not that you asked what we'd do if we won)
  7. Okay, well having gotten it out a couple times... 1. it seems to have potential, at least 45 mph (I'll find out with gps after our next BIG snow) not enough room in my 2 acre yard to open it up all the way, so i'll have to hit the greenway trail. 2. Having issues with it at low rpms... does great if the rpms are high, but once i slow down to make a turn or whatever it seems to fall on it's face until I can get the rpms up again (runs like a chainsaw on the stand) Does this sound typical for a 2 stroke? or does something need adjusted? 3. Being in the center of the snowbelt, I should have no problem with enough powder to keep the skis off the grass. Between the sled and snowboarding, i should survive the non-riding season. lol
  8. I don't believe the law requires a car to have a windsheild, but it must have functioning wipers... It wouldn't take much to make it street legal in ohio, seatbelt, wipers, fenders, proper lights... you could have that thing registered as a homebuilt car in no time...
  9. cool execution, lame concept..i hate 4 wheelers, quads, atv's, whatever you wanna call them... if it doesn't countersteer, put a steering wheel on it
  10. shit i'm ot, gotta istall a DVR tonigt
  11. FTW for a change...this happens so rarely, as a fan i'm not sure how to react...but i'm happy
  12. I'm considering buying a hd dvr, if i get one, i'd sell u the hd i have now
  13. I think you can get some for 2 dolla
  14. the giant chick = DO NOT WANT! The Brunette = MOAR! McRib = I can haz?
  15. This site is family friendly to a degree. I wouldn't let a 10 yr old browse the site, but then again, there are a lot of sites i wouldn't let a 10 yr old browse. (besides, what on the site would interest them?)
  16. lcd's are way too dark for me, if you crank up the brightness to much, it washes out your color.
  17. makes a world of difference on LCD, not so much on plasma...
  18. the easy way is to just buy a MTT (but that's also the super expensive way)
  19. i'm hoping ncx gets them..but prob wont happen
  20. backlight, sounds like you lucked out..lol
  21. I might be able to stomach RMG if it weren't for dieter...that kid is sooo effing retarded.... "the earth is flat" "we never made it to the moon" "the president can hear my thoughts" "they put flouride in my water supply"
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